
Girls and ladies need help!?

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okay so i just started my period not to long ago . once you started your period how long did it take to notice a big difference in the seize of your (b®eås†s)??thanx so much




  1. Some girls notice changes in a few weeks while others noticed a difference in a few years. Just because you have your period doesn't mean changes will be soon after that. Sometimes it takes longer. It depends on how you grow and hormones. Usually it's between the ages of 12-18 years old. It just depends on the person. Everyone is different so it's not specific.

  2. 1st, there was no point in using fancy letters to say b*****s, it's not a bad word or anything (unless it goes against your religion? in which case, I'm sorry if my language offends you).

    Okay, on to answering, I started mine Dec 7 (Pearl Harbor! haha)  2006

    I haven't noticed any growth in my b*****s for a while, the last time I could remember thinking "My b***s look like they've gotten bigger" was probably about 7-9 months ago. I'm only 14, and big b*****s run in my family (mom is DD after a reduction) so the fact that I'm still A cup makes me think they're not done growing, even though I'd be SOOO happy if they are, haha.

    I don't know if there's any relation to your period of when your b*****s stop growing, but I don't know too much about stuff like that anyways. This sparked an interest, I'm about to go look into that, and if I find anything that would be helpful to you, I'll edit my answer.

    Hope I helped(:

    *reads question again*

    Did you mean to say SIZE? Seize (pronounced seez) means to stop. I answered that thinking you were asking how long it was after starting my period that I noticed my b*****s weren't growing anymore, HAHAHA. I was so confused, but I wanted to try to help anyways. If you did mean to say size, my b*****s were already growing when I started my period, and I don't really remember noticing a huge difference, but if I had to guess, it was probably a few months (4ish maybe?) before I noticed that my b*****s were getting bigger, not like a whole cup size up in one night, but still. Either way I'm going to look into that, because I don't think (but I wouldn't know... yet) that your period has anything to do with the growth of your b*****s.

    And all girls are different. You could have started your period when you were 12 and been an A cup ever since, and then turn 17 and shoot up to a D, your breast size and how fast they grow, as well as when you get your period, is all genetics, and it's different for everyone.

  3. ha um i noticed like a bigg change about like idk 4 months after i guess?  and now i've had my period for about 10 months and mine are like A LOT bigger than they were when i started.  and i'm still growing :] haha.

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