
Girls birthday sleepover party ideas?

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my 14th birthday is in two weeks and in celebration, im having about 10 girls over for a sleepover on a saturday. im thinking about watching a movie and sleeping outside if the weathers nice, and of course, cake and presents, but can anyone else give me some fun ideas for an awesome party with just girls?





    I found this site it's for 12 yrs old but there are some fun things for sleep over and party's

    Beth :) :)

  2. what my bff  an i are doing is making personal pizzas were buying toppings and sauces and stuff. then instead of cakes were making 14 (7 girls) cupcakes an we are going to decorate them. also we are having everyone bring their favorite nail polish. or we are just going to get pizza ice cream and a movie coming home and doing awesome stuff

    last year we went to the mall

    hope this helps


  3. maybe go shopping make t-shirts go out to eat thets what i did on my 14th

  4. You could set over a makeover/beauty salon. Girls always love doing hair and makeup so what you could do is get together all of these hair supplys and makeup to and do each others hair. Give massages and soak your feet in water. I would not watch a movie because that might be a little boring but instead I would mabey have a game of truth or dare. Like right before bed that would be alot of fun and if the weather is nice plan some activities outside like a big game of kickball or whatever game or sport you want to do. Make fun snack foods to like search on google for good sleepover snacks I would suggest putting bowls of little munchies and drinks everywhere so whenever someone is hungry they can just help themselves. Make the sleeping outside really fun to, like tell scary stories, and gossip before bed and don't forget flashlights.

  5. i like your idea of sleeping outside.. when i was younger i always had parties when we slept in tents : ) for dinner.. its really fun to let everyone "make your own pizzas" have sauce, cheese and dough ready!  they can shape their dough however they want= super fun!!

  6. im 15 and i always got the prize for funnest parties! try maybe doing a spa party and getting mani pedi stuff and face masks and makeup in the goody bags and do makeovers on eachother when ur done, and take lots of pics!!

    not into the the whole girly thing? dont have it be planned! have it be a laid back party maybe get a few magazines and play truth or dare...even do a few prank calls to the class hotties!! listen to music or go for a walk. i remember in 8th grade i got about 10 girls together and we had a BIG bon fire and slept in tents! and dont forget the smores!! good luck girlfriend!!

    xoxo Abby  oxox

  7. First of all-Happy Birthday! Back in the day when I was a teen, my buds and I used to love to swap clothes at our sleep-overs. Here's the basic idea-have your guests bring clothes, jewelry, accesories, etc. they don't wear or don't fit in anymore. Then it is time to swap or wheel and deal for what you're interested in! It is a great and inexpensive way to up date or jazz up your closet! Be sure to check with your parental units first (they might not want you to get rid of certain items-sentimental value) Best wishes for your birthday-hope yal have a great time!

  8. heyy. happy b-day! so for ur birthday u could do a makeover thing. like spa-ish. have stations set around like hair, face, make-up, nails, toes. stuff like that. Call it on the invitation "your name's salon." If u dont want to do that u could have a regular party and just let it flow. like dont stick to a schedule. let guests pick what to do. hmm, what else. u could do a movie marathon or if ur outside, maybe games before it's dark. like uh, capture the flag. something like that. or u could have a cooking party. make pizzas for food. or make dinner which u might not want to do. u could make sundaes too. just pick something u havent done.

    lots of love!

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