
Girls: can a girl beat up a guy with just one simple kick?

by Guest60740  |  earlier

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i told my boyfriend we can. but he does not beleave me.




  1. That kick is Meth

  2. Why would you want to hurt anyone?

    Yes a Man can get hurt if you kick or punch him. but again WHY would you do that to anyone?

    How would YOU feel if a guy came up to you and kicked YOU?

  3. No, nobody can beat someone up with just a single strike. Beating up implies that the victim was hit many times and received many injuries. You are incorrect.

    I think you are saying that a girl can drop a guy with one kick to the groin. Yes you could, with the element of surprise, level a man with a single kick to the groin. The human body has many vulnerable points. The groin however, is incredibly easy to defend. In an open fight, you'd be pounded into a bloody mess before you'd manage to land a low blow there.

    Yes, you could drop a man with a single kick to the groin. If he wanted to however, he could disable you with a single, filthy, dishonourable, underhanded boot between your legs. There's a reason why it's called a low blow. It's dangerous and can cause permanent damage very easily. Especially when applied to women. Most men have the honour and decency to refrain from such an underhanded attack.

    You sound like a very immature 14 year old.

  4. If you know/learned "deadly" kicks. then yea

  5. if you nail him in the balls then yeah they'll usually go down

    it hurts men like h**l, the pain always makes them freeze up and fall to the ground

    if your boyfriend doesnt believe you, then show him ;) heheh

    he'll learn his lesson!

  6. What is wrong with the young Girls these days!  Why would you ask such a horrible question?  Why would you even want to have this conversation?

  7. Don't feed the troll.

  8. Yep! Just aim for those dangling testicles...

    And the guy will be down out for a good period of time

    I've totally floored guys with a kick in the nuts and it wasn't even that hard!

    and they couldnt get up

    that area is extremely sensitive, its the best opportunity for a girl to take down a guy whos annoying or attacking her

    a knee is sometimes better though because it covers a wider area

    but just make sure to do it real hard either way

  9. Depends on the girl .... Is she a blackbelt /kick boxer/ etc?

  10. Not in New Jersey.

  11. Not with the kick you're thinking about.  It hurts but won't put him out.  You need to be fast and get him in the jaw hard enough to rattle his brains.  I came very close to getting knocked out that way, and had to grab and pin until I could see again.  Still never hit back though.  Never, ever ever.

    Incidentally, this is not something you should be trying to do.

  12. depends on the strength of the girl and guy.

    I'm sure if a female kick-boxer hit an average joe then she may be able to.

    But this question is stupid. What if a guy had asked 'boys: can a guy beat up a girl with just one simple kick?' Think before you ask useless questions.

  13. yeah a cheap shot in the balls but you better hope you get a nice hit cuz if you miss this happens

  14. generally speaking, NO. your average woman is no match for the average man. We as men are only to conscious of where you women want to kick us, we do know how to avoid it. And if a woman tried to kick the average guy there he will likely forget that boys aren't supposed to hit girls. I knew a female cop who walked around thinking she could take any guy down and one night while we were all hanging out she decide to do just that to one of the bigger guys in our group, with little effort he took her cuff from her and cuffed her to the trailer mirror on his truck. Nature built men to be stronger its not personal so don't take it that way.

  15. You should give your boyfriend a really hard, powerful frontal kick with pointed high heel boots with the point of your boots hitting him dead square in the balls!!! I guarantee you he will be on the floor crying for 15 minutes.

  16. totally............all we have to do is kick them in the lower region or the shins really hard

  17. Betweena a man and a woman of same age, the man will have an easier time beating up the woman if he wanted to. But ofcourse there are MANY exceptions to this. If the girl has a black-belt in karate, she can beat up just about anyone with one simple kick. If the guy is thin and lanky, he probably can't beat up a normally-built girl his age.

  18. There is a guy who comes on here from New Jersey, you two should hook up.

  19. I don't want to think about beating anyone up.

  20. of course we can =] us girls have our ways

  21. Of course a girl can beat up a guy with one simple kick.  If she has had training and knew how to kick and where then it would certainly be do-able.  I'm sure you aren't planning on beating up your boyfriend so the loser who said you shouldn't ask these kinds of questions needs to take the stick out.  Anyway...tell your boyfriend that it can happen becasue I said so and be done with  Just kidding.  Seriously, I don't think this is a question that is gender related because anyone with some training can hurt someone whether they are a girl or a guy.  I've seen some pretty tough girls at the karate studio that I used to go to and size didn't make a bit of difference.

  22. There's a guy in New Jersey who regularly offers money to women to kick him in the grapes....try it out on him and get a new purse all at the same time.

    Sorry Johno, I didn't realize you were already on it!

  23. Generally, no.

  24. Sure can! That's one reason that God made men with testicles. Anyone who was wondering about the pain of a hit to the testicles should see this link in youtube (watch the illustration near the end).

  25. Doesn't to beat up mean they took more then one hit?

    Can a woman drop a man with one kick or punch....ya...and not necessarily in the jewels.

  26. lol

    depends on the sstregth of both, obviously, there are millions of men who might fall and millions who won't >_>

    it's kind a hard to bring someone down in a battle in a hit cuz usually the person is on guard and has high adrenaline levels, so it's no easy......

    what a weird question O_o

  27. Where all violence is concerned I am pleasantly surprised

    people routinely fail to manage to cause much more harm than some bruises and other minor issues - like dented pride.

    You may be able to beat up a guy with one kick.

    Guess what, it is possible for you to beaten and or have serious damage done to you in one hit - be it a kick, a punch or otherwise.

    I suggest you stray off the path of violence before you meet someone better at it than you.

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