
Girls dating older guys, how do you get over the comments?

by Guest45414  |  earlier

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I'm nineteen and in college, and I was with my boyfriend. We have been going out for about a month. He's only 25, but he looks a bit older than he is.

I look REALLY young, if it wasn't for having a driver's license people would probably think I was like fifteen.

We were out together at the movies, and I heard some woman commenting loudly to her friend. "Oh god look at that pedophile." My boyfriend could hear it too, and he seriously looked like he was about to cry. I'm sure he was really embarressed. He just slumped back into his seat and then finally the woman said, "I really should call the cops, how old is that girl? Thirteen?"

I got angry and said, "You know what lady, **** off. Do you want my ID? Here! I'm nineteen-years-old. I am going to get secuirty here RIGHT now if you do not keep your mouth shut."

She looked shocked, but she shut up. I got a few cheers from people who heard it.




  1. It's irratating. I'm about to turn 17 and I am dating a 23 year old. People are like he's just using you for s*x... we don't have s*x. Some people even ask just to be mean if I am his daughter.

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