
Girls: do you prefer to date guys older or younger?

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i prefer older guys :)




  1. older (:


  2. older but i guess if you really like someone it doesnt matter!

  3. my age. but if i had to choose id say older, but no more than 3 years older than me because i think of it like "how relatable are we?? let's see, well if we were still in high school i'd be a freshman, he's be a senior and that worked out then, so why not now?" if that makes sense. answer mine??;...

  4. same age, or older.

  5. Me too. Older guys are more mature.

    and I've dated a younger guy before, and it didn't work out. I kept thinking of him more as a baby brother than as a boyfriend. Lol.

  6. i actually dont care. i always used to think id prefer an older guy but im one of the oldest in my year so all of my bf's have been younger than me... I'm actually in love with a guy 9 months younger than me so i really dont care...  

  7. Since i'm under 18, but still a teenager, I say older or the same age. But once I'm over 18, definitely older.

  8. about my age or a year older or younger but i rather him being older :)

  9. Older :) or same age.

  10. older but just a little bit like a year or 2


  11. Older. I'd feel like a perv if I dated a younger guy. Probably because my little brother is a few years younger than me. Just a weird mindset to have I guess. :P

  12. older

  13. Older...only by a

    year.Other than that,


  14. older men

  15. Older - but not too much. XD haha

  16. i am 16 and i prefer older, i am just more comfortable with them, and it feels like they can look after you more xoxo

  17. Older.

  18. older but not too older, younger, idk it makes me feel dumb like oh wow you cant get anyone your own age, but go for whatever you want.

  19. As long as they are respectful and kind i think a 1 year difference of age is ok.

  20. I prefer older guys too :) They're more mature


  21. definetly older there more mature that my biggest problem is guys my age aren't mature and are just in the relationship for s*x,i'm looking for something real

  22. older..but not too old..

    younger,but not too young..

    same age..

    as long as they understnd me well..and know perfectly how to protect me..n also how to pleased me..ngeee...

  23. AMEN!!!!!!!

  24. older, i just like the way their built, you know, taller and muscular, and they are so much more mature and not obsessed with showing off or whatever

  25. older guys it'd feel weird to date a guy younger than me  

  26. i liek my own age [14] or one to two years older.

    except there is more of a risk of being used because you would be a little toy for s*x to them. they just thnk you're stupid and easy.

  27. It doesn't really matter to me. I can't force myself to like someone, it just happens.

    If I HAD to choose, I'd say older. Older guys are usually more mature.

  28. older but no by that much

  29. older, but by three years at the

    most. after that it gets a little weird.


  30. At my age [15] I prefer guys the same age =)

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