
Girls hate me...WHY? please help!?

by  |  earlier

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girls tend not to like me. i'm attractive and get attention from guys all the time. lately i've been feeling depressed due to the fact that, the girl friends i do have, have been b***hing behind my back.

i'm a lovable person, i'm not stuck up or anything like that so i don't understand why girls don't like me. if anything I'm just so insecure.

the friends that i thought i had just want to get one over me all the time. they do things and don't tell me and constantly leave me out.

i've been with my bf for nearly five years now and i know two of my girlfriends don't like it because one gets beaten up by her bf and the other has never been taken seriously by another guy as she sleeps around. they always try to stir things between me and my bf.

i'm not being paranoid as my bf has also realised this. he has so many friends that are there for him and i feel like i have no one. everytime i have an argument with him, i have no one to go to where as he can speak to his friends.

i have lost so many mates in the past and now i'm losing the three most important girls in my life.

my bf, is my rock and i don't know what i would do without him.

what do you guys think it is, why do they hate me? is it a jelousy thing?

thank you in advance x




  1. jelous?

    think ur l***o?

    think u did soemthign u didnt do?

  2. they are just stuck up and jealous of you don't worry about them.

  3. maybe its jealousy, maybe you come across as snooty. ok, so you have no female friends you can still have other male friends to lean on.

  4. I don't think you should ponder on this question,I think you should learn how to secure some loyal friends.It sounds very much as if you are quite a stable person and the friends you are choosing are far from that.

    Have you ever heard the saying "good friends are family you choose for yourself"?,well,would you like to live with these girls?

    I find it a good measure of a good friend,you obviously don't have to live with them ,but could you?---It's a good measuring stick.

    Stay the person you are and get people around you that fit in with you not you with them and you will be fine.

  5. Definately a Jealousy thing hun. I know it is really hard to let go of your friends but if they are treating you like that then you would be better off letting them get on with their own shallow lives and stopping them from making yours a misery. There will be someone who will treat you as a person and not just a face and you will meet them, honestly don't let these small minded people upset you.

  6. God.

    Yeah Babes that is jealousy.

    When girls see other girls prettier than them it all turns sour.


    You sound like a decent Girl, I mean Bloody h**l Girls are so bitchy sometimes.

    Better off just hanging With Lads.

    I do.

    Im not a tomboy, I dress girly and I like the company of males because they are just so chilled and dont care if you burp or swear.

    Girls... ... Wow Im stereotyping here but they are just .. bitchy, sly, two faced, judgemental. Every girl I've met.

    Hey expept my mum and sister.

    My friends are boys.

    Babes you dont sound a ***** at all.

    I'd happily be ya mate. We sound pretty much the same Lol.

    Expect your probably more attractive than me.

    Dont beat yaself up abaaat it.

    If you want girl pals, go to Jamaica. I met loads of lovely women out there, same shape as me, curvy, and they accepted me. I could be myself... and it was just great.

    I stayed there for a long while.

    Ok Im leaving you with a smile. All these idiot girls are NobEnds.

    :D     x

  7. it seems like they are jealous because things work out for you in a relationship but not for them

  8. Maybe it is jealously, did or have you ever boy'd your girl mates off for your boyfriend? did you stop going out with all the girls because you rather be with your boyfriend?

    Alot of girls loose their girly mates because in the initial get together you tend to rather be wih your bf rather than ur mates. and then they get fed up with you only wanting to see them when he is not around, or when ever you did go out he goes with you. so now they dont really want to know you or hang out with you cause you ditched them ages ago.

    Not saying this is the case at all but just a thought as most girls do do it, and cannot see it themselves or choose to ignore it,  but i do hope that you find some real friends who you can chat to, everyone needs them. x

  9. get new friends

  10. move to a different town, become a manager of your own business, travel the world and invest in property.

  11. You need to have a look at the word friend, drop them and and change your social group

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