
Girls have u ever been touched inappropriately by someone you trusted? i.e a male friend?

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I just wanna know becuz this year a guy who was meant to be my friend he touched me a number of times inappropriately.....i was to scared to say anything but i told him not to touch me there....he groped my chest and touched my private area.....on the bus and he's done it so many times and becuz its someone u fort u cud trust u dont usually think twice abt it but months after i realized i shudda barked louder.....becuz his bite (not in literal terms) was louder then my bark and i just feel a fool to of let him get away with it, any of you been in the same or similiar situation....?




  1. It's normally your friends that DO touch you in those places.  It feels good normally.  What was the problem?

  2. we as a women cannot do like dat we must to save it from men... we have a special part that we just give to future husband. in asia, our religion take it very seriously because that things is important with cannot give it easly

  3. What does race have to do with anything.

    My friend was molested by her brother and they where middle class white family.

    You coulda left that part out, it made you sound a bit prejudice like you would expect a black man to do those things.  

  4. I am a guy.You said "he's done it so many times and becuz its someone u fort u cud trust u dont usually think twice abt it but months"-obviously, not speaking up, he thought you liked it(sounds very much like you did-maybe not him, but the feeling).At any rate, you should have put some distance between your selves either physically and/or emotionally.You would have to have abnormally long arms to grope someone 5-6 feet away rather than 5-6  inches away.

    Bottom line-most guys will go as far as a woman will permit-deviants will go further-YOU permitted him to go that far, whether you liked it or not.What he did was not exactly right.To be very honest, some of my former girlfriends would say stop that or don't do that and when I stop , they would get upset.Many women like teasing then pulling away, teasing then pulling away.If she really means NO-most guys will sooner or later, know she meant NO.Ladies, don't send mixed signals.Letting a guy grope you for months even with a weak NO, is a mixed signal.Act assertive and tell him in no uncertain terms what he did is offensive. If he doesn't stop, give his groin a very hard squeeze or knee him there and see if he likes it-NOTE a light squeeze or gentle kneeing may turn him on,or, more on.

  5. You loved it.  Stop kidding yourself.

  6. Your little comment at the bottom is deeply offensive.  

    Have more self respect and choose who touches you and who does not.  Don't be mad at the man, be mad at yourself for not doing anything about it and allowing him to continue.  Next time something happens don't be afraid to take action - don't let people walk over you because if you let them they surely will, over and over as you have already discovered.

  7. It hasn't happened to me personally, i am very vocal about anyone touching me.. but sadly it has happened to many of my friends, even when they said stop

    it's assault plain and simple, if he is doing it to u then he's doing it to other girls...and next time it could lead onto something worse

    also it doesn't make a difference whether or not he was black, when it comes to taking advantage of women men can be of any colour, age or origin!

    next time a clear '**** off' will suffice, even if he is ur friend, or someone u could trust... u should always say something

  8. Anyone who touches you inappropriately, no matter who they are, is being abusive.  Without your express permission, no one and I mean NO ONE should touch you ANYWHERE.  He was taking advantage of the space you were in, most notably, he has probably done this before and got away with it.  Now is the time to put him in his place and it doesn't matter if he's black, white, green or purple, no one has that right.  If someone touches you inappropriately, yell and scream very loudly, okay?  Good luck to you and carry a can of Mace with you.


  9. yes and I went off on him.... he was quite embarrassed and  we stopped being friends... he had the nerve to go around saying I was a *****.... don't put your hands where they are not wanted and I will not be bitchy simple as that .:)

  10. No, but if you are still friends with him, i advise that you cut all contact off with him, and if it still bothering you badly, see a counsellor.

  11. Keep up the good work, troll.

    Your bad grammar is most becoming in a troll and so is your racism.

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