
Girls: have you ever beaten up a guy before?

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like either sparring or in real life




  1. My EX girlfriend and I DO mean X used to FIGHT with me all the time but every time I somehow defended myself with a PUSH or SHOVE she acted like I HIT HER!!!!!!!!!!!! as if I just LASHED out and STRUCK her like some guy who BEATS WOMEN and didn't even seem to acknowledge that she was BEATING ON ME she was INSANE of course .too bad I didn't really realize this before I had a child with her............

  2. lol. Yup

    A long time ago.

    But people still talk about it.

    But he DID hit me

    dynamite comes in little packages=]

  3. Yeah, I got yelled at by someone on here a few days ago who didn't believe me.  I've beaten girls too, so it doesn't really matter what the gender is.  Only in sparring, though, I've been fortunate in that I've never  had to fight for real.  Someone on here said that he's tall and fat, and I have a friend and classmate who is over 200lbs, and he's probably about 6' 5", and I can and have taken him easily.  (I'm about 5' 2" and I weigh 118)

  4. yup!

    wen sparring...

    i felt so bad he went to do a hook kick to mi head at the same time as i went to do a turning kick to his head...his leg was up first so my leg connected to his danglies...HARD...he was too cocky shoulda worn a cup. lol

    he was on the floor for bout...20mins!

    felt so bad

  5. YEP. A 26 year old girl who is a black belt in my Aikido class named Aikiko Nakamura can swing a staff like it's a matter of life and death. I foolishly challanged her one night in our dojo during class. We both had oak staffs, helmets and protective equipment. She had me on the floor in 2 minutes crying in pain. That's the LAST time I ever made THAT mistake again.

  6. Yep it wasnt sparring or anyhtin tho jus plain old throwing punched and kickin..i jumped his butt cuz he threw a football at my face and called me a name..and i did kick his lil S****y *** too all up n down the recess yard..he tried to fight back but it didnt wrk too well for him

  7. In real life: sadly yes. When I was 6 a special education student hit me on the play ground. My parents always taught me to hit back and I did. I feel horrible now he is in my class Though I don't think he remembers.

    Then in sparing:  Yeah. When I was13 none of the boys wanted to spar me because I hit so hard (not the best thing) One class I kicked one boy in the stomach and made him cry and then another I accidently kicked his mouth guard out. (had a sensei who liked kicks to the head ata young age, am in a different school now.)

  8. I've been thrown and submitted by some 140 pound girls in Judo practice.

  9. I don't like fighting It's mean :[

    But some huys = annoying

    Soo...yes I have. Several times

    Once at school, he was messing with me

    so I did several things to him.... Including

    hitting him over the back with a chair ^__^

    And several other times, including during

    a field trip, where I punched a guy in the

    face and then pushed him into a swampy bog.

  10. If a girl ever beat up a guy, then its safe to say he was never really a guy in the first place. He would be far less than a girl......What a whimp!

    I'd like to see that happen to me I'm 6'4" 250 lbs. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  11. I used to be in karate, so I fought with guys a lot. I'm also a very strong person who likes to prove that her point is correct, so yes, i have punched and kicked and so on lots of people(girls AND guys), but then again, I'm also very loveable most of the time and give all of my friends lot and lots of hugs. :)(:

  12. Yes, just a week ago when someone attacked my BF, it was over with one hard and accurate kick to the nuts!

  13. I'm not a girl but the question caught my attention. i would never

    under estimate a woman and have seen many girls get the best of men during a fight or when sparring.

    When some girls hit a man they don't hold back much.

    Woman have been stereotyped as being the weaker s*x and some of them believe it.

  14. I have hit my guy friends, but i have never beat up a guy.

  15. Several times in real life. It sucks and is very painful. You? Have a good day!!!

  16. most guys wont hit a woman back the same way they would hit a man.

  17. If a top female MMA contender were to get slapped by her accountant beau then he would like be a dead man unless she's got john macarthy in her house to break it up. THe crappy thing is, unless your already know that she's a cage fighter or  she brags a lot, you  wouldn't know your impending beatdown until its too late and she americanas your arms off and throws them into the fireplace.

  18. Erm well i did once slap a guy in the face...but that was all for good reason...but i wouldnt really call it beating a guy up lol...but was fun...i felt all powerful...hehe

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