
Girls help me plz really want some advice?

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ok well i tried being my self in my first yr at high school but i did not make any female friends

this was me- nice, caring, loving, kind, hard wroking, funny, confident as h**l, intelligent and i have a good body. (aint cocky alright) i didnt get any girls so i was hoping to change myself

this will be the new me- barely laughing, being serious, always hard working, not having much time to talk, confident etc etc

should i chage my self or not, if u do think tell me how i should be.

i tried evrything in the book with girls but nothing work, i dotn think i am that attractive, but ppl give me 8/10 so whats happening man , y aint grils talking to me




  1. i didn't know guys actually cared or thought about things like this! My advice to you is to just be yourself cos its the best person you can be and only you know how to do that! Good luck

  2. Be yourself. Girls don't like guys who pretend they are someone they're not. Girls like honest guys, a point I didn't notice on your list of things you are. And I would prefer the first list of what you are over the second. I love it when guys laugh, and make me laugh. And dont' be hard working all the time either, girls want to be able to spend time with you.

    Don't change for a girl. If girls won't come up and talk to you talk to them it's the next best thing.

    Best of Luck!  

  3. maybe u come off as too good for them or something. just be more friendly but dont change who u r just for girls.

    Good Luck :]


  5. dont look for friends, wait for them. :] the people who want to be your friend will be truer to you. you shouldnt have to search for friends that are girls.. but you could start by being nice to girls, like compliment a random girl you see in the hall, it makes us think about you :] also hold the door open for them.

  6. You may have been pushing too hard. Listen, I'm a girl, and for the longest time I wanted to be liked by guys... and nothing ever worked. Now, I really don't care, I want the person I end up marrying to like me for who I am, not a fake impression of me. So I am happy to be myself to work on school and make lots of life long friends in high school

    Don't rush it! Take some time to relax, you've got your whole life ahead of you. I have enjoyed my life so much more by making friends with a lot of people (guys and girls). I could probably date someone now, but I chose instead to build up relationships that will last!

  7. post your picture, it'll help us help you

  8. dont be nervous or anxious to getting a girl. or a chick friend. all you can do is be yourself. if you happen to change it has to be natural lots of people change in high school. dont change just to get a girl. thats stupid.

  9. dont change yourself that will just make everything worse instead of waiting for the girls to come to you you shud try to talk to them dont say anything weird just be yourself laugh but not too much and just be funny girls love those kind of guys..=] and then when you get good friends with a girl ask her if she wants to hangout or do sumthing =] hope i helped.


    just be yourself.

    if you a nice, caring, confident, kind guy, dont change.

    i dont know why your not getting girls, bc you sound like an awesome guy to me,

    but then again, im like you.

    im nice, caring, loving, kind, hard working, smart, but guys hate me.

    and i mean HATE.

    they always make fun of me and stuff & i just cant figure it out.

    but just remember, no girl likes someone fake so dont change and be all serious when your really a nice and funny guy. just be yourself and take one step at a time.

    sooner or later, girls will find how awesome you are.

    just keep being nice & caring & confident. (:

    i hope this somewhat hellpedd .

  11. you should stay the same

  12. They aren't talking to you because you are probably prettier than they are and they are jealous! So just try and talk to one of them and be really nice! You sound nice anyway so just be yourself and if girls still don't want to be friends with you then just get a guy best friend!

  13. dude you should totally be yourself if they don't think that's cool then they're retarded and you really don't want to be their friends. you should always be yourself, and just do whatever's comfortable for you. good luck by the way.

  14. I'm not a girl - but I have your answer.

    Getting the Girls is about numbers.

    How many girls did you approach in a sincere and interested fashion? 1, 20, 50?

    How many of these did you ask out? 1,2,3?

    How many of these had fun when they were around you?

    Here's what works.

    Avoid trying too hard.

    Throw the book out.


    Be yourself.

    Have fun.

    Show interest.

  15. just be'll be a lot better off than pretending to be someone you're not.

    just don't worry about. it'll happen one day. and if you want, approach a girl, talk to her, become friends with her

  16. JUST BE YOURSELF! You may not think your being cocky because trust me, my boyfriend used to think he was being all slick, but no he was being cocky haha. I just graduated, and high school is a long trip, so just lay back & be yourself, you got 4 years to meet girls!  

  17. cuz your not being your self

  18. haha dont change but maybe loose the confident as h**l part... that sounds stuck up and maybe spell right seriously 'aint' and really come onnn

  19. you may think that you are nice, caring, loving, etc, but actually come off as something else to girls.  changing yourself so that you bare laugh, serious, not much time to talk won't change your mojo with trying to get with girls.  think about why girls don't want to talk to you.  ask some girls that are in your high school why they choose not to talk to you.  the girls in your high school know you better than we do.  they see you every day.  

  20. Maybe its the fact that you are trying to change yourself into what you think girls want instead of expecting a girl to accept you for who you are. It isnt about looks.  

  21. whatever happens, dont change! people like you for who you are,  one day you will meet the right person, you just have to be patient.

    good luck

  22. Just by reading this you seem a little on the "ghetto" side. Do you come off as hardcore or mean? Girls dont want 2 be friends with other girls unless they have something 2 be envious of. Like me, Im very pretty, I have money, I dress awesome & have had big b***s ever since I could remember. It gets alot of hate & jealousy also but girls always wanted 2 be my friend because they knew hanging out with me would get them closer 2 guys. Im 21 Ive been out of school awhile & 2 this day girls still come up 2 me at clubs complimenting me or trying 2 be my friend. Maybe you just need 2 step it up, change the way you dress or way you talk 2 people. As Paris Hilton says, people treat you how you precieve yourself, if you act like a Princess youll get treated like 1. You need 2 be outgoing, get in with a crowd through sports or something.

  23. Be yourself and find someone who will accept you for who you will be a lot more happy and so will they or her. Just dont turn into a jerk b/c you think that you should.

  24. not trying to be crude but, aint is not a english word. idk y grls arent tlking 2 u, bt juz wait & see.

  25. Be yourself! maybe they are to shy to talk to you...

    Talk to them first... ask them a question or something...

    but dont change who you are for anyone!  

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