
Girls help wanted here?

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well i am getting the present above for a girl i like who is also one of my closest friends. It is for her 21st birthday. I am good friends with her flatmates and i am not getting any of them anything like what i am getting for this girl.

Now using this info do u think she will realise that i like her. If she does what kind of reaction should i expect to from her if she likes me.

Also i am planning on telling her that i like her. Considering we are good friends do u think it will affect the friendship a lot if she says no to me considering i do not make her answer a big deal at all.

We love spending time together and have several times gone out on meals together alone. We have known each other for 2 years. I am good frineds with her flatmates and i am getting them stuff like s*x and the city posters and so on for their 21st birthday.

So there is a difference. Will she be able to realise that i like her?

this is her present




  1. of cos she knows u like u, u guys have bin friends for a while,but she wouldnt realise this ur special 'like' u have developed for her. carry on as good friends since its not a do or die stuff, the ocean is wide.

  2. This is a really thoughtful and beautiful gift, any girl would be made up to get this as a present, so therefore your friend will be over the moon with it.  

    The only people that matter in this situation is you and your friend, dont worry about the flatmates.

    If you are as good a friend as you say you are, then you speaking your mind about how you feel about her, shouldnt make any difference at all, as long as you dont dwell on the answer if it doesnt go in your favour.  It will be up to you to make sure that the friendship isnt affected.

    Hope all goes well for  you, im sure she will say she feels the same. x

  3. You need to tell her that you like her!

    She may get the idea from the present but then again she might not.

    You should tell her you like her then see how she reacts - if she turns you down then you must tell her that you still want to stay friends. Really hope everything works out. x

  4. That is a nice present for her. I think you should just come out and tell her that you like her.  

  5. it's really pretty, i think she will get the hint :O) although maybe wait a few days before telling her you like her as if she dosent feel the same it could make her feel awkward about the present.


  6. You are a braver bloke than me, mate. And probably the nicer for it.

    In any case it's what you say, and who you are that counts more than what you buy.

  7. aw thats so sweet i think you should tell her how you feel and if she doesent feel the same way just say i hope we can still be friends

  8. omg thats beautiful! she will love it !

    ask her to be yours when u give it to her!

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