
Girls: how does ur boyfriend treat you? ?

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list positive and negative things and tell me ur ages




  1. Positive:

    Supports me, "loves" me, stands up for me, lives with me, buys me things


    disrespects me, says mean things, trys to make me jealous, gets jealous for no reason, is insecure, has bad clothing taste, acts up when drunk/high, is a felon, doesn't like my religious decisions, doesn't want me to do things on my own, wants to come with me when I visit my family, doesn't want me to be independent, not gentle with our dog, my fam. doesn't approve of him, always mad.

  2. positive:

    says I'm gorgeous

    likes whatever I wear

    always pays when we go out for dinner

    calls often (lives far away)

    makes me feel really good, like he really cares


    i don't know yet if he's really proud to have me (it's a relatively new boyfriend) I haven't seen how he'd act around his friends:(

    I'm 25, he's a few years older.

  3. positive:

    Tells me Im hot

    Wants to spend the rest of his life with me

    does things like gets me the seasons of my favorite show to watch with him even if its a girly show

    brags about me to everyone


    we get into fights over him looking at p**n

    he doesnt listen very well

    he says things that are hurtful and doesnt realize it until I point it out

    25 yrs old

  4. positives:

    says I'm beautiful

    isn't afraid to be himself around me

    shows affection even in public

    is understanding






    has a lot of female friends who don't like me and ADORE him

    i'm 14, he's 15

  5. Positive:

    He loves me, he cooks for me, he's kind and selfless, and very supportive. He can goof around with me but still be  serious when the situation calls for it.

    Negative: He plays videogames a lot! He doesn't really consider me a part of his family.

    I'm 26 and he's 25, we've been together since teenage years.  

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