
Girls i have a question.......?

by  |  earlier

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if u notice a girl staring at u and smiling, is it weird to approach a girl randomly when u know she is checking u out. for example: shopping for clothes at the mall or something. or are they just being a tease and their is no real potential?




  1. They are probably for real and want to see what reaction that you will have.If you are not into this. ignore her completely. Don't even try to be her friend or you will regret it.

  2. not wierd at all... go for it

  3. I would say approach her. Some girls just smile to smile at someone but I would give it a shot you might get a number or maybe even a date out of it.  

  4. oh if your not in a commited relationship its perfectly fine. have fun with it, it will boost your confidence and the other persons for that day. not to mention you wont be a shy person. youll put a smile on her face for those few minutes and youll feel good to. not to mention if guys did that more often to girls who dont have their snouts in the air, it would make girls feel a lot more confident=less complaining about self image.  

  5. go for it what is the worst that culd happen?

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