
Girls..i need makeup help for school picture TOMORROW!!!!!?

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tomorrow i have school pictures and i want to wear makeup my skin doesnt look oily and skin tone is even...but i dont want to look flushed out lol

best way to do this???

please help lol




  1. If you are under 14..."NO MAKE-UP. Just some lip gloss.  Over 14... a little bit of face powder... to get rid of the oily look... tinted lip gloss... maybe a little bit of mascara... that's is.

  2. Foundation is great - if you have one right for your skin tone & skin type - oily if that's yours.  Ladies behind the make-up counter can help you pick one, otherwise I would look for a 2-in 1 (liquid/dry) or one that dries into a powder.  If you don't usually wear make-up and want something quick & easy, you could try just plain powder.  Use some bronzer as well and put it on your cheek bones, a little on your nose, temples & chin.  If you don't have bronzer, you can use blush and do the same, or just add some to the apples of your cheeks.  The best way to add this is put some on your brush and either tap your brush to shake off any loose powder, or I brush mine into the empty lid of my compact sothat when I put it on, I don't get a huge gob of colour in one place.  The bigger the brush the better for this!

    And maybe a bit of mascara and lipgloss!

  3. Powder foundation, peach blush on the apples of cheeks and a light wash of lavender or peach  eyeshadow

    because these colors whiten and brighten tired eyes, black or soft black mascara, no brown or you'll look tired, stay away from shimmer, white shadows, black eyeliner, bright lipstick, lip gloss won't photograph well either because it makes your face look over-shiny and made-up, go with soft pink or honey matte lips, and smile and don't wear strapless tops!

    Good luck.

  4. don't put to much makeup on, it'll look bad. Put some concealer and foundation on or bronzer, either or. Definetly use mascara and black eyeliner on the insides of your eyes. Maybe some metallics for shadow. nothing on lips, too tacky for pictures. Hope it helps.  

  5. try as natural as can be.

    good luck! hope i helped!

  6. i would suggest very light foundation which i dont use foundation i just put lotion on my face but it dont work for everybody so light foundation make sure you even it out right and use skin tone colors for your eyes and lips i could answer better if you told me your skin complexion eye color and hair color

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