
Girls - if Prince William asked you to marry him?

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knowing what happened to his mother and how royalty are hounded by the press and all the royal in=fighting and politics and the restrictions you would face - Would you accept? And Why




  1. No....


  3. Oh lordy No!!  Who needs all that aggravation from the press and everyone watching your every move.  Reading lies and guesses about your life and who they think you are.  No Way.  I have yet to meet a reporter that could get a story straight that is why I don't believe anything written about the Royal family.

  4. I think if I loved him on his own merits, I would find a way to slog through all the other muck that comes with being a royal.  But if I didn't love him and only wanted the 'glamour' of being a royal, I'd think long and hard before subjecting myself to life in that particular fishbowl. Princess Diana craved the attention from the public, because she got so little attention in her private life. If one was able to be happy in their marriage to a royal, I think it would be possible to lead a relatively private life, because the need to be admired by the public wouldn't be a driving force. Yes, there would be a great deal of intrusion, but if you weren't desperate for public approval, then you wouldn't be quite at the mercy of public scrutiny.

  5. Nah.  I think I'd pass.  If I wanted to be famous, I'd try to in America where I am from!  Whoever marries him will know his families history for the most part.  I don't even think I could marry him if I wanted ---- doesn't he have a girlfriend? LoL!

  6. No.

  7. I would go through it all just for him he's a hottie...LOl But on a serious note

    i believe that if it got to the point where he proposed he must be pretty sure I'll say yes,,,,and if that's the case then it means that at that point I would so totally be in love with him..that i would so totally accept love conquers it all and gives the strenght  to go through it all...

  8. No. I wouldn't accept because I really don't think he's all that attractive. I'm all for loving someone b/c of their inner beauty, but still outer attraction still counts some.

  9. Of course:)...

  10. No, definitely not. I would not want to be the next "Diana, Princess of Wales". If I married Prince William, I would probably be falling into the same trap as Diana did when she married Prince Charles. They married when he already gave his heart and promises to Camilla. Since Kate Middleton was actually Prince William's first serious girlfriend, she will always have a special place in his heart, and I do not want to "share my husband" nor do I want to tell the press some day too that "there was three of us in our marriage."

    They broke up earlier this spring and reconciled a few months later, this clearly indicates that they both have strong feelings for each other, and they would probably split again when Prince William gets cold feet again when Kate mentions the word “marriage.” I am already seeing a pattern, like father, like son, the apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree. I'm sure it is every girl's dream to become a princess, however, no royalty or titles is worth giving up my self-dignity and freedom.

  11. I'm too old for him ... and press too.

  12. no, but if harry should ask me...

  13. Yes, I'd take it, I love him more than you would ever know, and I think I'd be better for him than Kate :)

  14. Even though I would LOVE to accept, I don't think I could handle all the media attention.

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