
Girls if a guy wanted you to come with him to a judo or jujitsu class or aikido would you go with him?

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there is a girl i thourt i would ask to come along just as a freind

i wont to do a throwing martial arts




  1. depends if i really really liked them. but proberly not

  2. thats a great way to form a friendship in my opinion, who knows u might get even a good relationship instead. just make sure she doesnt get bored

  3. Yeah, maybe ask her come during the final half or quarter.  

    No point letting her sit there for the whole session.

  4. um i guess if you want it to just stay friends it would be a great way to form a relationship like that.

    but for me i think it would depend on how you ask and weather i was too embarrassed or whatever.

    i suggest you just let her know about the class maybe say you thought she might be interested in it. and maybe tell her a few good points about it and see what her reaction is if she doesn't seem to keen don't be worried she may not have confidence to try anything like that.

    just say to her i just thought id let you know in case you wanted to try it out. then let it be.

    if she has a good reaction tell her more details like how much it cost and when it is a see how it goes from there.

  5. Yes, why not?

    Although she might only carry on going if she enjoyed these particular martial arts.

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