
Girls if you feel your bf is too clingy and wimpy do you think him doinking your younger prettier sister will?

by  |  earlier

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fix the issue and make you want and love him again ?




  1. You would think so wouldn't you? Unfortunately when I tried it, it didn't work out that way. Not once. And  believe me, I tried it enough times.

  2. Why would that do anything but make me upset with both him and my sister?

    I value trust a lot, if I lose that he's useless to me. I'd be better off without them both.

  3. I am the younger, prettier sister.

  4. I would say uh maybe but then what if your sister begins to love him and he loves her and you broke up with him and now you are in love with him too.  Well then it is just one giant mess cuz you can't have him cuz you pushed him away...Now you are stuck in a sorta love triangle.  I would say if you feel that your bf is too clingy and wimpy then tell him, but be nice about it.  Don't hurt his feelings, if that doesn't work then maybe you should look somewhere else for your love.

  5. If my man is being too clingy and wimpy, I tell him so, and he stops.

    I don't have a younger prettier sister.  Maybe we should doink his younger, hotter brother!  Maybe that'll make him man up.

  6. No, it would just make me feel insecure and put weird thoughts in my head that wouldn't make me feel comfortable.

  7. Doinking or is it boinking. What part of the woods you come from. yey

  8. he'll stick with younger, prettier sister. why would he go back to you.

  9. No, the relationship would be over.  Why would you think that a woman's attraction in a man would be revived by him cheating?  Don't believe everything you hear from so-called "pick-up artists".

  10. I don't have a sister.  :P

  11. Yeah, I'll go for the prettier younger sister any day.

  12. I don't have a sister..but banging his little brother on the side is fun

  13. No matter how you put it, this will not work.

    Doinking??? People say this?

  14. Nah, I wouldn't want him if he was clingy, plus I would feel sorry that my sister had to boink him.

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