
Girls if your bf was to get you a promise ring,would you want him to tell you about it or just give it to you?

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in high school...




  1. i would want it to be a surprise. Promises shouldn't be talked about it before. It will mean more if it's a surprise just don't give it to her at an awkward time

  2. at high school age, that kind of thing can possibly be too surprising too fast. even if she's completely in love with you, she still might not know what to do, because its so early in her life.

    that said, a surprise is the best way to go, because then you get her first honest reaction, and us girls really like those kinds of surprises.

    good luck!

    and if she says no, don't lose hope b/c she's probably just logically thinking through this desicion that will affect her for the rest of her life, and wants to make the right desicion and not rush into things.

  3. I'd like him to surprise me.

    At the most unexpected time, too.

    first say something VERY sweet, and then pull the ring out of your pocket and give it too her.

    she'd be the luckiest girl eeevvverrr.

  4. depends on if you know you love each other.

    but if you are not sure,

    talk to her about it.

    but if i loved him as much as he loved me,

    i would gladly get it as a suprise!

  5. I think I would love it if it was a surprise and I cared about him....:)

  6. talk to her about it, see how she would feel about it. it is kind of hard to say in high school that you will stay with each other, and she needs to feel the same way about it as you do. i would say talk to her. the least she can say is no, and thats ok, you just have to understand that that is how she feels. and if she says yes, then go for it.  

  7. just give it to her because than if you tell her and  she doesnt want it, than shes going to get all worked up about it and might even break up with u

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