
Girls in college/university?

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Yesterday, I went to the official Open Day for the university which I'm going to next year (where you get introductory lectures and other such information) and I couldn't help but notice one thing: the girls there all looked so pretty and sophisticated and classy! My question is, since University is a whole different story from high school, and since the girls there didn't even take notice of or look at me at all, how do you get the attention of girls at University level? How can you make them notice you and how do you approach/ talk to them when they all look so... 'intimidating'? Please help; I've never had a gf in high school, and based on the caliber of girls I saw at Open Day yesterday, it's looking highly unlikely I'll EVER get one!




  1. Give them money, food, and drink.

  2. actually from my experience it is a lot easier for me to talk to girls in college.  it sounds like you are a freshman, s this is perfect for you.  you have no reputation to worry about.  nobody knows anyone.  if you want to ask a girl something ask her something about class once in a while.  saying "hi" once in a while doesn't hurt either.  once the communication has opened then it will be easy to talk about anything else.  if the girls look intimidating, try talking to a shy girl.  it may be harder to get through to them, but once you do it is like experiencing something about them that others do not.  i love shy girls

  3. Uni just brings the best out of people because of the standard of entry, etc. The whole atmosphere is quite classy and vibrant, I guess. Girls at uni (being one myself), are not very different from girls in high school, but the thing is, we do have older men! accessible. But that is no matter, while some girls would change their perspectives when they see older men at uni, it doesn't mean all the girls want older guys! If you have a funky attitude and nice, I am sure people will want to date you! Good luck.

  4. Pretend to be British.

    It's your best chance.

    Seriously. >:x

  5. ok..i'm in college.

    While on campus in between classes and stuff we are more focused then meeting guys. You will get to know girls better in dorms or going out..even in class. You will see. It will be fine.

  6. aww thats not true actually us college girls are more mature than youd think and are not shallow young kids like you are in high school.

    college is like starting over, you can change your look, attitude etc and no one will know. you get a fresh start to meet tons of people. youll be able to meet girls especially in classes or parties an easy way to do so is ask a girl to be like your class partner as in if you have to miss she can be the one to help you get caught up etc. just relax your gonna meet plenty of new people and have fun!

  7. You are going to get the "just be yourself" stuff...I just started University...and the thing I noticed was that most guys don't really just talk to us!...don't let looks hold you back...since most of the guys don't would pretty much be unique?...

  8. Is there like clubs and that at your uni? If so join any your interested in. You may meet a girl there who you could just start talking to about the club and then progress to talk about anything. And also you would both  be interested in that one thing.

    Ask one of them for coffee. This shows you ar interested in getting to know them and you dont just like the way she looks you actually want to know her.

    Or just go to a good old uni party!!! :D

    Hope you find someone :)

  9. aw don't say that be confident.

    When you get to that age ambition seems to matter more; if your someone who is doing well in school and is a good conversationist (you don't have to be super agressive or silly or a party animal) you'll be fine.  Don't stalk of chase after them excessively but let them know pretty early that your interested ( that in itself shows confidence) and not chasing them shows your stable and not needy.  Being geniune and opening up about yourself shows depth of character.

    best of luck :)

    this is just my opinion but maybe it will give you some sort of insight into the female college students brain.

  10. i am a girl so cant give you dog advice.

    are looking for a long term relationship... a wife perhaps? first take your eyes off the physical things. and yes i know its hard for guys but remember we are nothing but dust. and that we will age and sag at some point.

    get to know the one girl you really like- make sure she is single. make sure she shares your faith.

    she has to be honest- cant deal with liars. attend school events together. have lunch twice a week together. study together.

    make sure her intelligence matches you. don't choose a dumb broad. smarter is fine. but the worst accessory on a a men is a dumb woman.

    and if you're wondering if i am cute. i am not quite up there with Halle and Lisa Raye but definitely better looking than Rihanna Janet J.Lo Beyonce. you get the picture. so yea i get guys too intimidated to ask me out, but that's cause i am picky and i know who i am. i am an advocate of beauty and brains.

    pick a girl that makes you happy and cares for you. don't get caught up in trying to macho. there's too many diseases out there for that. and take your time. girls are not going anywhere. focus on your studies.

  11. college girls are just one year ahead of HS girls. Not really any different. The difference you see is more in your head than anything. Just start talking to people, and stay out with Hi.

  12. You got to get an Identity that is unique....... I mean you got show that you're friendly, u talk to everybody & try to help everyone & still got to maintain a personality that'll speak for itself... like don't ever try to mix with too populer kids.... go for a separate bunch & make ur self 'happening' there. You got to how that you are matured & not easily manipulated or intermidiated ..... you respect women/girls & you're romantic but not too much ok? If you're good at anything then try to let everybody know that u r good at that.... suppose u r good at Guiters then play tunes as often as possible... ok? This ought to help you... I've just got thru my 4 years of college & now I am an Computer Engineer... so trust me... I've done things.  

  13. you are lying. females only have 1/3 the size of brains as males.. its a scientific fact. so theres no way those girls are university students... they were probably just hired to make you excited to go to school.

  14. i'm not a university girl but i think girls in university are more mature,in high school everybody trys to get a boyfriend or girlfriend just to fit in and be popular but in university those girl have plan for the future and are looking for a serious relationship so i guess it doesnt matter if you're not the hottie of the campus and stuff.

    they're mature.

    dont worry you will get a girlfriend.

    good luck

  15. well, p**n stars never turn you down

  16. When I was in college, the guys that I liked were the ones that seemed confident, friendly, funny and just knew who they were in general. Just be who you are, don't be afraid to start a conversation and keep in mind that women love to talk...about themselves. Everyone has a story to share so just take the time to say "Hi" and put your hand out to meet people and let your social life bloom from there.  Good luck :)

  17. join a frat!

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