
Girls....lady question?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 and this is my second period and i dont know if my period is came monday but was light..tuesday nothing...wednesday it was light...thursday really light...friday light...and today it was this routine normal or is it from all the stress im under???(my grandpa died sunday night and i was the only one in the hospital room when he took his last breath, we were close)




  1. It's normal, hun. It's just becaus you are first starting. = ) I'm so sorry about your grandpa.

  2. Don't worry.. My period would usually come and i'd be heavy then get lighter after a few days would pass then get heavy again for like two days... Mine was always like that.. And since this is only your second period, its just probably not into a normal cycle right now. No need to worry.

  3. Some days are lighter and some are heavier.  It's different for everyone.  I've had the same thing happen to me and it is completely normal.  If you do suspect something is wrong. see your doctor.

  4. Your GP must have been vry thankful you were ther to help him let go and find his rest.  That kind of shock to your system can wrek havoc with your period, let alone it's only your second one.  When everything calms down, so will your period.  Right now you have moe  important htings on your mind, so dont stress ove r it right now.  I

  5. you are normal! Sorry about Grandpa.

  6. No its totally normal!

    i am so sorry about your grandfather though..

    i lost my uncle last year and i had my period during that time and the same thing happened to me..and

    since you and your grandfather were close it's causing emotional stress on you and thats why your period is being strange.

    another reason that your period is like this is because its only your second period. it takes 4-6 months for your cycle to become regular


  7. Oh god, I remember the year following my first period. I had one every two weeks. The doctor said birth control would help, maybe you could try that. It's supposed to regulate your period. Talk to ur mom about it and tell her you're NOT planning on having s*x, she should understand.

  8. Stress can really mess with your cycle. When you are just starting it is never consistant though. You may get it one month and then nothing for 4 months after. It really is a pain in the butt.

    Sorry to hear about your grandpa.

  9. this is normal. d'ont worry

  10. maybe u fraignend

  11. well ur just startin to get ur period soo its normal

    im sorry abour ur grandpa

  12. If this is only ur second period than that is perfectly normal. It has nothing to do with stress. I barely got my period the second time so i asked my doctor and he said it wuz perfectly normal.

    Hope this was helpful

  13. this is normal your mood has nothing to do with it

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