
Girls like confidence...?

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You hear that thrown around alot, dont any girls like us shy types? :(




  1. Dude, I prefer shy guys!!

    As long as once you know them, they are outgoing.  

    Yeah, trust me, confidence is good later on .. not so much at the start!


  2. Shy is nice, unless they are borderline anti-social...

  3. If your mega hot we like the shy types. But if you not then I think girls like confidence. Confidence is s**y. It can make even a less attractive guy seem attractive.

    I can't explain it but I seriously cannot resist a confident guy. Which usually means their cocky. Which usually means they are a jerk. Dont be one of those guys.

    You can always pretend to act confident if your not really confident. There is truth behind it. Trust me.

  4. Well i am very but very shy. And Girls don't really like me yes. They don't like shy guys for NOW. They want to have strong, confident guy who everybody will be affraid of and one that will always protect them.

    But like i said after High School and after College, Girls will want you because then they don't need to be popular in High School. But if the girl you want to date is a good person will date with you and if she isn't she won't date you.

    So Girls like shy boys, but those girls are rare. I must be honest and face the reality and accepted the fact that we are shy and there aren't so many girls that like us.

    But who cares if we are smart, s**y and attractive how need confidence. Ha ha we need confidence but just enjoy the life. The will like you.

  5. Omg i luv shy guys there so cute & adorable & they make my heart skip a beat if their *cough* cute

    Shy guys are usually the really really cute one's too

    So yeah i like shy guys i just fall for them

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