
Girls of Yahoo Answers, Ever dated a guy with pimples.?

by Guest60844  |  earlier

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Seriously, I'm tired of girls wanting to find a guy who is Brad Pitt and doesn't have pimples. So I'm asking you gals a question. Ever dated a guy with moderate/occasional pimples, was it good or bad? How long?




  1. Ah, it's just the hormones...we all have to deal with it. If it wasn't that horrible, I wouldn't mind at all...besides, people grow out of pimples after puberty. Then those guys with pimples may be major hotties! lol

  2. Funny that you mentioned Brad Pitt. Ever look at his face when it hasn't been airbrushed? You can tell that he had acne as a kid because he still has the scars. Same as Dane Cook. No one is perfect and everyone gets pimples.  As far as it being good or bad, having pimples has NO effect on a relationship. I'm sure that you're the only one bothered by them.  

  3. Of course. Every human has had the pimple problem one time in their life (Unless they're magical). I don't think anyone actually thinks about it though. As long as they're not on your lips, then it's no problem.

  4. yes, and after a bit it got kinda annoying when i would touch his cheek or somethin. i talked to him about it  and he used pimple cream to take them away. but yes i would def date a guy with pimples because looks dont matter

  5. I honestly feel a little ashamed of being a girl if there are girls that shallow and hypocritical out there.

    First of all...relationships shouldn't be solely based on looks (you can be the best looking girl or guy but have a bad personality). For the girls and guys who do base their relationships on looks...I think they'd completely hate if the tables were turned and would be complaining if they were getting turned down because they weren't the cutest.

    And second...everyone gets pimples at times. I know some girls that hate to even go out in public when they get them.. And then when guys turn them down because of them, they're furious.

    It just doesn't make sense at all.

    All of my boyfriends have gotten them at some time or another and i haven't made that big of deal about them (i've only had long term relationships -- all over 8 months at least). Pimples come and go...they're not worth losing a good guy or girl and relationship over

  6. uhhhh yea i forgot how long but it didnt last long but it wasnt because of the way he looked but the way he acted but dont worry nobodys perfect  

  7. i dnt care if hes got pimples.... jst not every sqaure inch of his face...

    its a natural body thing... so i dnt mind it , so wat ! i get em too =]

       it didnt end cuz of the pimples tho ..

    only bout 4 weeks  

  8. Of course, who doesn't get pimples? That's not what should matter.

    Everyone I've dated has had occasional pimples!

    I'm engaged and very happy now, so don't worry! You'll find someone  

  9. OMG yes. duh. Iv'e dated some guys who look almost exactly opposite of brad pitt lol. it isnt all about looks. Not all girls are like that!! I personally would date anyone who had the right personality to me.

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