
Girls only :Can you go swimming on a period?

by Guest33801  |  earlier

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im 14 years old and im wondering if you can go swimming on a period?

thank you xx




  1. Yes, of course you can, there is nothing that you cannot do while on your period.

    You would have to use some sort of protection just to save embarrassment though.

    You can use pads but obviously some pads will just go soggy so try padded panties like Lunapanties or period belts like Reddy’s, these won’t go soggy and sit close to your body, on a light flow day with a pair of shorts over the top they should be enough protection for you.

    A lot of people suggest tampons but they are very unsafe and unhygienic, they prevent your v****a from keeping itself clean and healthy by plugging it up and giving bacteria the perfect place to multiply, many brands also contain chemicals that are harmful to your v****a. Tampons aren’t great for swimming either because they absorb pool water, when they absorb fluids they expand which can add to bloating and cramping when you’re trying to enjoy yourself, they have to be changed every few hours which is inconvenient and make them prone to leaking, they also have a string that can be seen if not tucked out of sight – although some types of tampons like sponge tampons like Jade & Pearl, cloth tampons or soft tampons like Gynotex don’t have strings.

    The best option is menstrual cups such as Ladycup (these are the smallest and softest brand of menstrual cup so perfect for girls your age as easier to insert), these have nothing showing on the outside of your body, they go inside your v****a to collect menstrual flow but don’t mess up the rest of how your v****a works so it can stay clean and healthy. Menstrual cups are great for swimming as they can be left in for up to 12 hours at a time without any health risk or leaking what-so-ever and they are very comfortable and easy to use.

    Another option is softcups such as Instead, these are little plastic cups that sit quite high up in your v****a, so again nothing shows outside of your body, and they also allow your v****a to keep carrying on as normal so again they are safe, clean and can be left in for up to 12 hours without anything showing on the outside. Some girls find these leak though so you might want to try them out on dry land before trying them in a pool.

  2. Hey hun! Of course you can!

    Water actually stops the bleeding, but I'd wear a tampon just in case.

  3. Yes you can just use a tampon!

    Water does not stop bleeding.  

  4. Sure you can,get tampax first.

  5. You are so dumb! Just ask your mom. But thr answer is yes.

  6. O.. sure oyu can..just find the right tampon for you an head for the water.

  7. Yeah, you can! Just wear a tampon.

    Never go without a tampon to swim, unless you want blood everywhere(:


  8. Yeah you can, but its not the best idea. You can wear a tampon though, if you were to go swimming, that would be the best thing.

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