
Girls only answerr and no stupid answers plze?

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okay so every time I get my period the first day is always the worst. i feel like I'm about to die, i cant do anything but just stand still and not move around alot. or my stomach hurts like h**l. I get really cranky and feel really lazy. so is there something i can do to make the pain little less. if so plzee help




  1. if it hurts really bad u should go to da doctor and get some pills. but one thing that really works for me is midol. i take everytime my period comes and i use a tampon so at times i forget that i even have it. thats how good midol is biut everyone is different. try midol or if not go to da doctor okay

  2. nope.

    we all get it just some people have it worse.

    just try and relax by listening to music.

    and get moving!  exercise really helps with feeling lass cranky.

    = ]

    have a happy period!  

  3. take a few midols or go to ur doctor and he can precribe you something stronger

  4. talk to your doctor about it.  i basically had the same situation and she put me on birth control, which actually helps to regulate your hormones and will make your periods lighter and shorter, and also gets rid of cramps, bloating, tirdness, mood swings, etc.

    hope i could help!

  5. As soon as I start feeling cramps, I start popping Ibuprofen gel pills.  They dissolve well and work fast.  I also sometimes take midol or headache (or menstrual) formula pills.  I get moody and cranky and tired.  I also make sure I get some form of exercise.  Walking to the mailbox, elliptical, tennis, soccer, pool.  Something, anything works.  The exercise released endorphins in the brain and helps you feel better.

  6. The same thing happens 2 me! My stomach hurts so badly I curl up on the ground & if I move I end up throwing up.

    To relieve the pain

    taking a hot bath or using a heating pad on the painful area helps, the heat takes the pain away

    if that doesn't work...

    take Maxalt on that first day the pain stops instantly. It's like the miracle pill. Like heaven in pill form. It's $50 for a pack of pills though & has 2 be perscribed by your doctor

    & if none of that works...

    go to the extreem.. (I had to do this)


    all you have to do is go in and tell your doctor that your crapms are unberable & he or she will perscribe them for you

    it's only a pill a day & it makes your periods shorter (and sometimes gets rid of them) it makes the flow lighter and it makes the pain ALOT better

    Hope I Helped! =D

  7. Take a couple of pain killers and put a hot water bottle on your stomach to ease the pain.

  8. i have the exact same problem. What i do for stomach aches is drink chamomile tea or peppermint tea and at night fill up a bag with warm water. and take midol, it really works

  9. There are a lot of different medications you can take for this. I would definitely see a doctor because this seems like it is affecting your daily life. My sister gets awful cramps and her doctor put her on yaz birth control because it eases the cramps and lightens her periods. I would definitely speak to your doctor because that's what they're there for and they can really help.

    hope this helps

  10. Well, sounds like you have serious menstrual pain!

    One way of eliminating this is by using a heat pad to soothe your cramps.  Apply it to your lower back or lower abdomen.

    Also, of course you can take painkillers like advil, but it's not wise to rely too much on those, and there's only so much they will do for you anyways.

    Some girls go on birth control pills for the reason that they lessen cramps and heaviness of flow during menstruation.  If you are not on birth control pills, and you feel that your period is so much of a burden, you might want to consider getting some info about birth control.

    Also, it is actually common that moderate and mild exercise will relieve cramps.  It may not seem like it, especially because when you experience these pains the LAST thing you want to do is move, but it's worth a try.  Go for a short walk, and see if you feel better afterwards.  If it doesn't work, you don't have to do it again.

    You might want to take a warm bath also, instead of using a heat pad.

    Annnd one other thing to do is take a multivitamin and a vitamin C pill every day.  It's good for your overall health, it's d**n easy to do, and some of the vitamins will help with cramps.

    Hope you feel better!

  11. there are some medicines sold specifically for this cause.

    if you are not trying to become pregnant then birth control pills are often helpful. they can keep you from having periods altogether until you decide you want to do otherwise.

    ask you doctor which is right for you.

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