
Girls only do you feel the same way?

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ok so im 14 nd my dad still gives me kisses in

the mouth but i feel its worng b cuz im gettin older

nd should respect my growing body does

any one else feel the same??




  1. Well its all up to you I dont give my dad kisses on the lips and I never have but thats just me, i always give him a kiss on the check.... if you are starting to feel uncomfterble about it then you need to tell him.

  2. I have always kissed my parents on the lips, even as a teenager I was never ashamed that my parents loved me.


  3. I think your dad would be hurt if you told him, and maybe even shocked or confused.  It's a generational thing, and could be cultural (especially if you are European or say Italian or something-- everyone kisses me on the cheeks or lips).

    There is no sexual intent behind it so it is ridiculous if you interpret the gesture to be.  Of course, if you hate it or it makes you uncomfortable, it is your body so you have a a right to feel how you want and to say no.  It would be better if you just move your face so he kisses your cheek in my opinion, just to save him his feelings/

  4. tell him.  

  5. yes i definatly agree with that. i wouldnt want my dad giving me kisses in the mouth at still 14(btw im 14 also!). you should just sit him down and tell him that your getting older and that kissing in the mouth is just not right at that age. maybe a kiss on the cheek or the forehead. hope i helped

  6. A kiss in the mouth? you must have a big mouth.

  7. My dad does not do that to me so I can not say I know how you feel

  8. tell him to stop doing it..

    on the mouth at least..tell him on the cheek its fine :)


  9. I wish my dad still gave me kisses :/

  10. yahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

    a peck on the cheek at 14 or a brush on corner of the lips, gurl... and lips like that only on special occasions. that was my family anyway.

  11. if u dont like it because u are getting older, then u should tell him, my dad doesnt give me kisses on the mouth but i know how u would feel ;)

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