
Girls only please, can you get a guy like this?

by  |  earlier

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My bro and I where watching a show the other day where a guy got hit in the groin and started crying. My brother told me that he would never drop to his knees or cry if a girl hit him in the groin? He even challenged me to a bet on it. Im not sure i can do that?

anybody ever done it? how hard 1-10 does it need to be? how did he react?

ive never done this or seen it before?

please give me your experience with it as i am oblivious. thanks




  1. You boyfriend is trying to act macho. Trust me it hurts like nobody's business. Just take the high road and agree with him even though we both know he'd drop like a fly. The crying part depends on the person. I wouldn't cry either but I'd be screaming in agony.

  2. Well I did it to my little brother once. He was getting on my nerves and I told him I would hit him in the nuts if he didnt leave me alone...he didnt believe that I would do it. .. well now he really dont have to hit that hard...i did kinda feel bad afterwards though. He bent over and was like ohhh! He didnt cry though but he was in that position for a good minute..

    I wouldnt bet him he probably wont cry

  3. you're asking GIRSL how to go about kicking guys in the nuts.

    Well here's how you can find out how the boy will feel that you want to do that to.

    Take a hammer, and smash your hand repeatedly with it 2 dozen times untill all the bones in it are broken.

    Feel any pain?


    Now take some shards of broken glass and rub them in your eyes.

    Rub hard>

    Liking it?


    Now pour rubbing alcohol in eyes, and sand amd start pushing thumbtacks into eyeballs.

    Pretty neat eh?

  4. It will certainly bring tears to his eyes. If he does not drop to his knees he will be doubled over and his hands will be trying to give him all the protection and comfort possible, This is the

    unconscious protection mechanism operating.  If you do it you could rupture the testicles . If you do it he will never ask you again. He is asking for a lot of pain.

  5. It doesn't have to be that hard at all. maybe a 7 and he will want to throw up.

  6. There's a reason they tell self-defense classes to go for the groin in a bad situation.  It gives you plenty of time to run away.

    He would most definitely drop to his knees.  Cry?  Well, depends on how hard.  If you really crack him one, probably.  Don't do it though, because you'll really hurt your brother, and it could have permanent repercussions.

  7. Oh, Christ on a stick, take it somewhere else. There must be Web sites that fetishists with your kink can pay to access to get their rocks off. Please go there.

  8. Yeah... if it's a direct hit no more than a 3 or 4 should do the trick.  It's a terrible, terrible feeling.  You double over and feel like you have to throw up.... if you hit him hard enough.. he probably will throw up.

  9. Your brother has never gotten hit in the groin or he wouldn't challenge you to do so. They all automatically bend over. All it takes is a ping not even a solid kick for the pain to set in. Trust me.

  10. They double up in agony. You don't even have to hit them hard.

  11. Your (imaginary) brother is lying.


    This really is an obsession, isn't it?

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