
Girls only please, ever pay your brother back for a prank?

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My bro and I where watching a show the other day where a guy got hit in the groin and started crying. My brother told me that he would never drop to his knees or cry if a girl hit him in the groin? He even challenged me to a bet on it. Im not sure i can do that?

anybody ever done it? how hard 1-10 does it need to be? how did he react?

ive never done this or seen it before?

please give me your experience with it as i am oblivious. thanks

PS: this is gonna be a little payback for when he "pants" me in front of all our friends. :)




  1. I'm not proud to say this but I did it to my brother when we were growing up on an almost daily basis.  He was older than me so when I would beat me up I eventually discovered I could REALLY hurt him and used this weapon often.  

    I understand your desire to do this to your brother.  I would advise you not to though.  It's very painful and I believe it could be detrimental when they try to have children.  If you DO decide to do it, a little hit is all it will take to make him hurt.  A very very little hit.  It hurts most guys just to SEE it done to another man.  So, with that said, you can imagine how painful it is to actually have done.

  2. ok yeah.. I so wouldn't kick him in the groin or anything.. However.. I have found that if you casually toss an object into their groin.. is funny.    Y'all would have to know my bro and I, we constantly find ways to make each other hurt for fun.  He's 23... I'm 32.. the big sis.    I walk by and back hand him (not hard.. just enough) in that area... I've tossed a set of keys at his area...  you know.. stuff like that.   you know why?!  cuz he can't do it back.. however, I do get punched in the booty..  that hurts.. ha ha it's all in good fun!    

    so on hardness.. seriously..  a 3  no more than a 4.   that'll be enough.  

    My brother doubles over and then when he recovers he hits me back.  

    I also do the nipple twister too.   another advantage to being a girl.. mwah ha ha

  3. I know this says girls only... but I can't resist. lol

    Getting hit in the balls can be the most painful experience a guy will ever experience. I don't even know how to explain it. Perhaps the male equivalent of childbirth? You may bawk at that... but I kid you not, it's insanely, intensely painful... Painful enough that the guy will pray to whatever god will listen that his balls would just drop off and stop hurting. (If the hit is bad enough of course.)

    On top of all that pain, lies the very serious risk of permanent injury... and, as dramatic as it may sound, it can even be lethal. A ruptured t******e can actually cause a man to bleed out into his s*****m and bleed to death. Google it, it happens... usually if the guy refuses to get medical help.

    At the very least, your brother will be incredibly angry... angry enough to possibly hurt you fairly badly... moderately, he may never have children or have a hard time having them... extremely, he could bleed out and die.

    To be honest, since your brother is acting like such a tough guy... just walk by him sometime when it's just you and him around and give him a light backhand in the crotch... LIGHT being the keyword... If it doesn't drop him to his knees, it'll certainly make him bend over.

    Even... Say to him: "Guess where I'm going this summer?" He'll say: "Where?" You'll say "Bangkok!" and give him the light backhand in the nuts. ;)

  4. i did it before because he thought he was all big and bad. He kept on punching me and hitting me in front of his friends to seem cool. I told him to quit, he and his friends laughed. No kiddin, I beat  that kid up. I kicked him in the groin area, I punched him, kicked him. He learned not to do that again. He was embarrassed, and I felt bad about it later and apologized for it. He said it was okay. He never said that he would not hit me, but he hasn't yet... so, I guess he stopped?

    I don't really know if I would do that again or not, because I wouldn't want to really hurt him again. That could do something. Play a prank that will embarrass him instead of hurt him. He'll get over the embarrassment, he may not get over the pain.

  5. He said he'll "never" cry? Oh please, your brother doesn't know any better... That S**t hurts. I have seen plenty of guys get hit in that area. I even kicked my brother when I was a little girl. It was funny for a moment, however, I felt guilty about it after I noticed how much pain he was in. As much as you want to have your revenge, I would not recommend kicking him in the groin. There are other ways to pay your brother back for a prank.

  6. dont do it...your bro is probably doing it you mite get into trouble..besides you shudnt merely copy some show on tv..

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