
Girls only please, is it fair to give a guy a warning before hitting him in the groin? why or why not?

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Girls only please, is it fair to give a guy a warning before hitting him in the groin? why or why not?




  1. The only reason why I would hit a guy in the groin is if he did something to REALLY upset me, like try to attack me or something along those lines. Why would I bother warning him if the jerk had it coming?

  2. no warning,  he will run a mile if your going to tell him what you are going to do

  3. Why would you want to hit him in the first place?

    If you do end up hitting without a warning, it will be a very unpleasant sight...

  4. Pearl Harbor, sneak attack.

    I can't think of any real need to crack a guy in the pills, but if you're going to I suppose you might as well let it be a surprise.  Like Christmas, only with a lot of pain and none of that good feeling for the recipient.

  5. Well, if you gave him fair warning, he would block the hit, and that would sort of defeat the purpose.

    A better question might be, "Is it fair to be socked in the gut after hitting a man in the groin?"  And the answer to that would be "yes".  

    Don't hit without being expected to deservingly be hit back.

  6. You should never hit a man unless it's in self defense.

  7. The only reason to hit someone anywhere is to protect yourself, and if that's the case, then he doesn't deserve a warning first.

  8. Hitting a guy in the groin is pretty unfair to begin with. There's a reason that the phrase "below the belt" is typically used to describe unacceptable behavior or insults.

    If you've already decided to be so mean to a guy, what's the point in giving him a warning that you're going to do it? You'll just anger him even more, because he'll know it was premeditated instead of impulsive.

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