
Girls only please, what is the smallest reason that you would kick a guy in the groin?

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How would you do it? Have anyone? Shoes or not?




  1. some violent attack thing.  never did it on purpose.  shoes are better!

  2. my excuse was I felt like it but I was actually tryin' to get him to hit me back 'cause my friends had taken all my sharp stuff away (long story)

    this was like two weeks ago and I had converse on.

    Didn't get off lightly though. Might be getting kicked out of college for it

  3. Be aware that this is called sexual assault for a reason.

  4. If a guy tried to force himself on me, and I was able, I'd kick him. Hopefully I have on some pointy toed shoes, some stilettos or my steel toed boots(I wish). If I can't kick him I'd grab, twist and pull...

  5. i would only consider it if i was in danger or violence or rape, or if i caught my man cheating... as in, i would have to actually catch him in the act.

  6. haha i actually did this when i was in like 7th grade and the guy had to bo to the hospital. i had leather shoes on though. i would never do it again. haha.

  7. if caught my fiancee in bed with another girl he would feel pain! lol! i accidentally kneed him in the groin while we were play fighting once, he was in so much pain i felt SO guilty even though it was an accident!

  8. Sorry, I'm a man but...

    The only legitimate reasons to do so, is that he is attempting to rape, murder or assault you (or someone else)...

    There are no other legitimate reasons for doing so...

  9. I would do it if he cheated on me or hit me.  It would be so in the moment that I wouldnt care if my shoes were on or off...  Is it worth the medical bill you might get sued over though?

  10. I have accidentally hit guys in the groin, but only on purpose once. At that time, the guy was drunk and picked me up in the air--when I did not want to be picked up. So, I kicked him in the groin. He put me down and never tried that again! I didn't have to worry about shoes as I used my knee. That is just as bad as using the foot/shoe.

    The only reason I would do this to a guy (on purpose) is if he were to try to attack/rape me OR if he cheated on me and I caught him in the act.

  11. Very, very painful for a man.  It might affect his s*x life or his fertility.

    Only do it if you feel you are in absolute danger, like rape, assault or murder.

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