
Girls only please!!! do you think that guys should or will get kicked in the groin once in their life?

by  |  earlier

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It happens so easily to guys...accidents happen in karate, etc, with little kids, with girlfriends, and friends...and on purpose too, mostly from mad girlfriends.

Girls, do you think all guys have or will at least get kicked in the nuts? Have all the girls done it at least once? Have all the guys you know been hit there at least once?

Do you think it should happen to every guy at least once so they know what its like?




  1. What is with your fascination of the male groin?

  2. Well iv been hit in the nuts more times than you can count on your hands. My sister, kid i babysat for, friend joking around, girls who wernt to happy with me ect the list goes on. I think most guys have got hit in the nuts but it dosnt always hurt if it dosnt hit right on. Some guys will say it dosnt hurt but those are the guys who havnt got a straight kick to the t******e.

  3. I think it will totally happen to every 'normal' guy who doesn't live in a bubble.  

  4. Why not - we have to go through the pain of child birth!

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