
Girls only please.. or women who know their "stuff"?

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im only 14, 15 in two weeks, and im really scared ( not about turning 15).

i have really irregular periods. like one month they come, next month they dont, and they sometimes they dont come for a few months afterwards. i've never had s*x, or anything, so i just want to know if this is normal? please help me.

I really dont want stupid answers, because to me this is serious.





  1. When you first start having periods, they tend to be pretty irregular. It should even out when you're 17 or 18.

  2. I would go see your gynecologist.  The irregular periods sound very normal (similiar to me - I still have irregular periods to this day), but you should always consult with your doctor.  It will set your mind at ease, more than anybody on-line can.

    Good luck.  

  3. I would see your doctor or a gyno about this.  Young girls have irregular periods.  I never did, but I had friends who took birth control pills just to regulate periods.  Just get checked out to make sure nothing is wrong.

  4. periods are often kind of irregular when ur young. if ur really active and sporty that can make em irregular or just really quick and light too.

    See ur doctor tho if ur really worried.

    Im sure its nothin serious tho


  5. yes, this is very common.  They will regulate themselves as you get older.

  6. Yes, it is very common. Especially if you are an athlete.

    If it bothers you, you can get on birth control to regulate your period.

    It's not unhealthy or a problem, it's just more of a pain because you never seem to be prepared.  

  7. this is quite normal so dont worry - if they are not regular by the time you are 18 or so you may need some form of medication to help with the hormones.  God bless  

  8. Its completely normal, your cycle will eventually become regular. X

  9. yup dont worry thats really normal ..

  10. Don't worry. Your period may not come on a regular schedule for a couple years. It is completely normal. You are still going through puberty, so your body hasn't regulated yet. If you are really worried you should see a doctor.

  11. I wouldn't worry about this as it does take a while for your cycle to settle down. I sometimes skipped a few months in the beginning too.  

  12. It is normal for a girl during her first two years of menstruating to have an irregular menstrual cycle. Some women never have regular menstruation.  

    Growth and hormone production influence menstruation  therefore it is normal for a teen who is growing and has fluctuating hormones to have irregular periods.

  13. yes its very common

    used to happen to me

    you only have a problem when you bleed like 2 a month

    then you need birth control to regulate you periods

    eventually your period will be on track

    if there not when there older go to the obgyn and get birth control to regulate you if your worried

  14. Absolutely normal and quite common for your periods to be irregular until after the first year or so.  

    Have you been to a gynocologist yet?  This is a good time to find a good doctor you like and trust. She (or he) will always be there to answer your questions and concerns even if you feel weird about going to your parents about such things.  Ask your mom to help you find a doctor that is covered under your family's health insurance or perhaps you can go to her gynocologist....

    Good luck and Welcome to Womanhood!  ;-)

  15. Irregular periods are very common for women of all ages.  But honestly, I think its never too soon for you to go to a gynaecologist and discuss your health with him or her.  You can ask all the questions you want and need, and will feel much better about all that is going on with your body.  Its something you should be doing once per year, anyway, as part of good preventative health care.

    Good luck...

  16. You are definitely completely normal!  Your body is right smack dab in the middle of growing, so your hormones are just out of whack right now.  Your period will definitely level out once you get a little older.  Some women even use birth control to regulate their periods, but you can look into that in a few years if need be ;)

  17. Some women have irregular periods for their entire lives, although most women have a cycle that they can count out. The 28-day cycle is an average, not the rule. A teen's body is influenced by it's growth and therefore can start and stop the menstrual cycle while it's growing.

    The length of time in days and the amount of blood of a girl's period is influenced by the amount of hormones that her body is currently manufacturing. Therefore, it is normal for a teen who is growing and has fluctuating hormones for the amount of blood and the length of time her period lasts to be different from one period to the next.

    While skipping one month or having a shorter or longer span of days between periods isn't abnormal for a teen, if your period doesn't show for a much longer amount of time, you'll want to consult a doctor. The development of amenorrhea - absence of a menstrual period for three months or more - should be reported to your doctor as it could be a sign of premature ovarian failure, a condition that fully develops in a women's 40s.

    There are many outside influences that can cause irregular periods. Here are some:


    Significant weight gain or loss


    Poor nutrition (or a diet too high in carbohydrates)

    Drug use

    Eating disorders

    Increased stress

  18. hey! listen..i got my period in grade 5 and now i';m in grade 9.

    mine actually didnt start coming once a month until about 2 months ago!

    irregularity is nothing to worry about especially since yu've never had s*x.

    dont stress over it hun cuz stress can lead to yur period being irregular aswell. just stick to a healthy diet, exercise and live a stress-free life!

    i waited 4 years..everyone is different! just wait (:

  19. It's normal, especially if you haven't been having them for that long (only started menstruating a few years ago).

    Still, if you go to a doctor for yearly wellness exams, you may want to mention it, especially if you have any other symptoms such as severe cramps and depression (during that time of month).

    But, from the sound of it, it is normal. It will regulate in time.

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