
Girls only please?

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How come I find it really embarrassing to talk about personal stuff like periods with my mother? I've been asking my sister to ask my mom for products all the time. (I got my period like 3 weeks ago) But I think its just because I dont know what she thinks of me, like I'm gross for even thinking about my v****a? I know that sounds weired...but its really what I think. My sister told my mom that I had my period, and she was saying, "Oh!! Why didnt she come to me??" My sister (whos 16) was saying its because she's really shy to talk about it. I feel bad that I didnt tell my mom. I really do. So now that my mom knows I dont like talking about it, she NEVER mentioned it! I want her to though. How should I bring up this conversation with her?? How do I snap out of my fear of asking her about it. I know she's my mom and she's a woman and all, but I am embarressed to ask. How do I snap out of my embarressment? I mean, mothers! Do you like it when your daughter/daughters ask?




  1. First off don't talk to strangers online about your personal problems it could be any old pervert man online.

    Why on earth would it be gross for you to think about your v****a?? That is silly. You are a female and you should be educated about your body by your Mother or a close adult female.  Your sister is still a kid herself and can offer limited advice.

    Just ask Mom, " Are you mad at me"?...she will say what for...and then you say "for not coming to you about my period"....then she will start talking, just explain that you feel a little uncomfortable (not embarrassed) talking about it but you will try and ask her questions about it.  Go from there. :)

  2. OMG it is embarassing.

    If I had an older sister (i am actually the older sister) i would have told her lol.

    Just tell your mom that you didn't mean anything by not telling her, but you were just shy about it!!

    its embarassing trust me!

    i'll be in the store, like, walmart or aerie or something and a cute guy will walk by (or i think a cute guy might walk by) and im like "MOM! HOLD THIS!!!" and shove the pads in her arms lol!

    and then if she starts talking to someone, im like, trying to hide them rofl!

    omg i remember, last year on the 4th of July, the pastors son (whose like, 16) was in walmart with his dad and i had a HUGE pack of pads in my hands and im like OH MY GOSHH!!!!!!

    Thank GOD he didn't see me! LOL.

    dont worry about it, its normal to feel embarrassed!!

    that you grow out of!  im not so bad at the bra thing anymore, because my b***s aren't that huge (compared to my moms) and everyone knows the bras she's holding arent hers. lol.

    [[ =

  3. when i first got my period i told my sister, i was all embarressed and didnt know what to say or do. i coudnt really talk to my mum and when she mentioned it i kinda shyed away a bit, i still dont really like talking about it and only in hte las tyear feel comfertable buying pads and tampons from the supermarket, and i have had my period for seven years now. i believe you just get use to it, you get comfertable enough with it that you can talk about it, maybe you could put it on your mothers shopping list when you need somehting or ask for enough that will last you a few months to cut down the amount of tlaking about it;

  4. It was awkward for me to ask my mom about stuff like that too. But, eventually (now after three years of periods) I can basically ask or tell her just about everything.

    Just try talking to your mom about it, it's not really as hard once you get used to it.

    Your mother will be glad you asked her instead of someone else too. It helps build a mother/daughter relationship

    What's really fun is when you two can joke about all the crummy stuff women have to go through. =D It's funny.

  5. This might be a good time to remember that your mother once went through the same things too.

  6. Maybe you could have your sister tell her that you would like for her to start the conversation.  Your mom is not going to think you are gross... she does the same thing!!!  I will definitely be there when my baby girl grows up and will want to talk openly to her about it.  I already talk to my students who have questions or who just need someone to talk to about it.  I really think you should talk to your mom!!  She probably wants to be part of your life!!

  7. I totally understand! I feel fine talking to my friends and stuff about that stuff but definately not my mom. I wasn't sure how 2 find your aim. Do u think u an tell me how or post in on the details? I would love to help

    AIM= MeLiSSaME03

  8. dont be afraid!

    im 15 and my younger sister is TERRIFIED of asking my mom for bras or shaving. its absolutely natural to be nervous. =]

    just go up to her casuallyyyy.

  9. Sorry, no advice.. but I still don't like talking about that stuff with my mom. haha

  10. Getting your period is a normal thing! It's something that EVERY girl goes through!

    I can see why you're embarassed but even she's had her period before! Just remember she's your mom and it's not like you force your v****a to bleed! It's something controlled by mother nature.

    She might not have mentioned it because she doesn't want to believe that you're getting older.

    You shouldn't be ashamed because you have your period. Be straight forward with her.

    Good luck.
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