
Girls only? ?

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Is there anyway to make your period lighter? or go away faster? and my mom bought pads with no wings.. i hate them and they leak. so how can i stop them from leaking? any suggestions?




  1. No, there is no way to control your period.  It is just a part of life for girls.  You can however help yourself be more comfortable during your period.  You can always carry a tampon or pad in your purse or backpack to be prepared.  And on the first couple of days, you can change your pad or tampon regularly and switch off between a tampon and pad.  If you find pads without wings leak, buy ones with wings.  As time goes on, you will feel more experienced andfamiliar with your own period.  And with my own experience, periods get lighter the older you get! (You have something to look foward to...LOL)

  2. Hi

    I f you take pain killers it will make your period longer harder.

    Ask your mum to buy you wings pads next time so you feel better.

    The best way is to use tampons. Forget about the pads.

    You feel clean and confortable.



  3. If you're quite young, your period can be irregular because you probably haven't settled into a routine yet, so don't worry about it coming early. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to make it lighter or end sooner, you just have to put up with it I'm afraid. As for the pads, ask your mum to buy ones with wings in future, you could also try tampons if you feel ready, they're more secure.  

  4. Well I dont think there is to make it go faster but there are prodocts you can buy that ca help you make it lighter (I think) Well pads arent that expensive so go buy some your self or if not ask your Mom if she can get some better ones.

  5. If you're old enough you can go on the pill which helps regulate your period and makes it lighter...

    If you are too young you can switch to using tampons on your heavy days and thinner pads on the lighter days....

    It sounds like you are still young so your periods might be irregular....that is normal...

  6. you can't make them lighter, its your body! love the experience, your a turning into a woman:)

  7. You never know when your period comes dear. You can't make it lighter or go away faster. I wish I knew when mine came so if it ever happend at school.... Get those big pad things. The first couple days of your period it's very heavy. Gets lighter soon.

  8. There are two options that I am aware of...

    Try tampons and pads for the first few days and then just tampons. I had to do that when I was younger because I was very heavy.

    Ask your mom for the some kind of birth control. I was on the shot when I was younger because it would regulate or make my periods lighter while on it. I wasn't sexually active, at least not with boys. I was only on it for the period reason.

    Just a suggestion. Your mom may say yes to that.

  9. Its ok if your period came 12 days early, it can take up to 4 years for it to fully regulate. i reccomend birthcontrol, but if your mom wont let you get it because she thinks you want to have s*x or something just be totally honest with her about your whole period thing.

    also try tampons, there really not bad at all. i hate pads.

  10. From experience, I can tell you that using tampons both make your period lighter and make it go away faster. This is because when you are using a pad, there are times when your blood does not flow out of your body 24/7 (for example, there are some nights when you don't bleed at all), and when you use tampons, the blood is continuously absorbed, thus making the period go away faster.

  11. theres no way to make it lighter, or faser. some people say taking zinc tablets work but they didnt for me or anyone i know. just buy some pads with wings, or put on on sideways then one on top normally =D you'll get rid of em quicker then

  12. I wish there was a magic wand that could make periods disapear but unfortunately thats Sometimes the pill can decrease the amount but on the other hand in some cases may increase the flow. I do know that the depovera shot to prevent pregnancy can in most cases stop periods. i think its healthier just to let them go. It keeps you young so just have to try and cope. I hate blood so i know how you feel. As for the pads , i had the same problem so you can double up the pads. one on top of the other. that used to work and next time just ask for ones with wings. apparently tampons are good also with the blood flow not being as noticeable. good luck

  13. well if ur period came early...its porb still regulating. there really isnt a way to make it lighter and try to get pads with wings they work the best. otherwise just keep changing it.

  14. Ask you Mom to go get you pads with wings (or make a note) and how about you all go together. Also sometime periods come early or late, as long as it's in the 28 to 30 days your good! Also how about you look online to find a pad that is good for you. And then just buy them. : )

  15. I used to have to wear 2 pads my period was so heavy, just remember to change them often and leaking shouldn't be a problem.  If they are very heavy and painful, you can always go to your doctor and talk to them about it.  Periods aren't very regular when you first start, mine still aren't and I started 7 years ago!  Especially if you are stressed or your diet or weight has changed they can be erratic.  Don't worry about it unless it is uncomfortable or painful.  There are also herbal remedies you can take for period pain.  Best thing is to see your doctor and chat yo your mum about it.

  16. if you find a way to get your period lighter, please let me know

    but as for the leaking, just change your pads more often

    It's a hassle, I know, but it prevents it

    no worries about the 12 days early - I've gotten mine 2 weeks early
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