
Girls opinion????????

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girls, is it easier for you to

a) adapt to ones personality cuz their good looking?

b) adapt to how one looks, cuz they have a good personality?




  1. definately B

  2. Ive dated a few ugly guys and some seriously hott ones. I personaly think its easier to adapt to a guy without good looks but a good personality cause who wants to put up with a hottie if there a jerk?

  3. DEFINITELY B, because its easier to look past the looks, but its harder to live with the personality every day.

  4. B by far!!!

  5. B B B B B. You can get over a big nose or buck teeth. You can't get over someone being a jerk, unsupportive, or obnoxious.  

  6. B and some times A...

  7. B of course.

    When someones personality is really good.

    It changes how you see them.

  8. 100% B

  9. oh yeah definitely the second one. i dont really care about looks (nice to have but not necessary for male model good looks) i personally gaze into their heart soul and personality...idk im just deep like that

  10. It depends on the severity of both.  Like for a, if he was a really big jerk and super arrogant then it wouldn't matter if he looked like an Abercrombie model, cause i wouldn't put up with that.  And for b, if he had horrible hygiene and was really ugly (i know, i'm shallow) then he'd have to have an AWESOME personality to make up for it.

  11. b!!!!!!!!

  12. I choose B. Looks really doesn't matter to me...I'm after their personality. = ]

  13. Definitely option "b"!

  14. B duh!

  15. b

    unless ur insanely shallow...

  16. answer B

    but it does help when there somewhat cute

  17. honestly, i get really turned off by bad personalities, no matter how good looking someone may be.

    but i wouldn't say it's necessarily easier to adapt to looks. i try my very best to not put appearance into the factors of why i would like someone, but it's part of human nature, and of any mammal's nature really, to go for the best looking out of a group. hopefully everyone tries to ignore that base instinct that we have embedded into us, because personality is so much more key to everything.

    so i guess neither, even though B would be the better answer.

    sorry if that's not what you were looking for.

  18. B. Looks shouldn't matter, and if they matter to a person

    you prob. don't should't be with that person anyway

  19. B.

  20. hmm. thats tough.

    i think in the long run you want a girl who likes you for who you are and thinks your good looking later.

    it may be tough because so many girls base guys on their looks.

    but dont worry. you will find someone that likes you for who you are and how you look. (:

  21. B...unless you have a serious flaw it is much easier in my opinion to adapt to looks.  Personality is the fo doesn't change.  

  22. B because boring people are a waste of time.

  23. B, good personality can make people not notice that you are not that good looking.

  24. completely B

    if your a jackass then i'm not even looking at hohw attractive you are

  25. b

  26. Personally, it's eaiser for me to adapt to looks. If a guy doesn't have a good personality I probably wouldn't even consider him. Guys who are so full of themselves are somewhat irritating to me. If a guy is honest, kind, caring, respectful, and trustworthy, I find there to be no point sometimes.  

  27. i know this is kinda shallow but A. It's the truth it tends to be easier to adapt to a guy when hes hot. but he doesn't have to be like model hot perfect body. he has to be like cute like its okay if you have a pointy nose or something, but usually its first appearance. Why do you think it's called love a first site?

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