

by Guest57940  |  earlier

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If you had to, Stephen Hawking or Lou from Little Britain?




  1. i go 4 Stephen Hawking

  2. Stephen Hawkins, much nicer all round!

  3. Stephen Hawking.  I'm not shallow, would go for brains every time.  I would just close my eyes and imagine he was Keanu Reeves............ did I just say that........?

  4. haha - I had to think long and hard about this and I have come to the conclusion it has to be Stephen Hawking. Lou looks like he stinks and do not even get me started on that belly. Hilarious distasteful question - have a star for making me laugh although I have to ask - what's this doing in Anthroplogy lol

  5. Mr Hawking would be the best bet, at least we would have an interesting conversation aferwards.
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