
Girls question. seriously?

by  |  earlier

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i just like found out i got my period this morning so last night probily i've been drinking a lot of vitamin water i dont have any birth control but i need my period to end by like thursday morning ! like early please help !!! and please don't tell me like that they'res nothing i can do and no i will not have s*x to stop it !




  1. Why you need it to stop? Truth is you Can't. Maybe God will help you out though!

  2. ya sorry but i don't no how to help u out on that

  3. You can't stop it, regretfully. Not unless you, like, get surgery.

  4. The only thing I can think of is birth control.

    why do you need it to stop?

  5. LOL, what does vitamin water have to do with your period.

  6. You can't stop your period. Period.!!!!

  7. You can't stop it. And stop using the word like so much, makes you look like a twit.

  8. Like they all said, there is no way to stop it. You'll just have to wait it out. Don't let it stop you though. Whatever you've got to do, I bet you can still do it.

  9. I don't think I understand the question...

    As everyone is saying you cant stop it, All tho if you find out how let me know..

    Vitamin water? Was that just extra info?

  10. nothing you can do to stop it right now, just live with it like every other woman in the world does.

    In the future you can go on birth control to help regulate and even supress your period.

  11. lol u think vitamin water is going to stop ur period? lol ur crazy, nothing can stop it. unless u stay in the water all day lol

  12. you can't stop your period.........  it will stop when your cycle is over.  and beside what DOES VIT. WATER HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR PERIOD.

  13. umm sorry but i really dont think theres much you can do, besides taking birthcontrol. i mean if your trying to control something as uncontrollable as your perios, you must have a pretty good reason, but controlling it probably is prob  not too good of an idea ha.

  14. There's nothing you can do, sorry. Vitamin water won't stop it, s*x won't stop it, and it's too late for any medication such as birth control pills to stop it.

    You should spend tonight and tomorrow deciding how you will deal with it on Thursday, because you'll be on the third day of your period during whatever it is you've planned.

    Welcome to womanhood.

  15. You can't stop your period. Period. And what does Vitamin Water have to do with this?

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