
Girls read. Girls please answer! Need help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked this already but I need some beauty help. I am a boy, (not g*y, but irrelevant) and I want to know how to feel more girly. I like to wear really girly clothes and shoes and makeup, dont ask me why, it just makes me feel good. Now, please, what do you girls do? I do my stuff in private, so consider that, and help me with tips on becoming more girly! And just to tell you, I am not a loser or drag queen like some people say, if I am going to look "girly" I am obviously not going to dress in grandma clothes haha. I actually want feel girly not like a dude in a dress as some people put it! And yeah this is a definite question repeat so if you dont want to answer again, dont! And stop telling me I am g*y and to accept, those of you who are so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender and sexual oriention!




  1. good for you,

    stop posting the same question!

  2. You could try wearing...

    -Skinny jeans





    -Some hats like beanies & golf hats maybe  :S

    lots of guy models wear makeup

    some tips... well u could like do ur nails or something and u could wear girly deoderent

    *thats basicaly all i can think of at the moment.

    lol im not really good at these cause im alittle confused but thats basicaly it now :)

  3. Well to each his own. I don't judge. You need help, so i'll try to help.

    Well wear clothes that are really feminine. Like babydoll tops and soft fabrics in light colors. Like yellow, pink, and baby blue. Wear summer dresses with pretty designs and colors. Put on some makeup, too like blush and powder and mascara. That makes me feel girly. Wear heels and flats , heels especially. Wear tight clothes, too. Where whatever you feel fiercest in and whatever makes you feel confident when you look at yourself. And smile a lot :)

    for all the people that are being rude: he's not adressing the question directly to you so stop complaining. Ig you can't answer the question or if you don't want to , don't. Take your negative energy somewhere else.


  4. umm ok.. well i guess you could wear tight jeans thats always good i guess. and umm wear pink shirts i guess and do u no how hard this is for me!?>!?!?!?!?!?!

  5. To feel more girly you can....

    Mop the floors,

    Clean the kitchen,

    Do the laundry,

    Vacuum the rugs,

    Wash the windows,

    Scrub the toilet,

    and then fix dinner.

    For all the real women out there, I'm just kidding.  ;-D

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