
Girls should i be looking for older girls i'm fed up with girls my age they all cheat on me help me?

by  |  earlier

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if you have yahoo messanger add me (im 20 6.2" bown hair im in the TA love to cook)




  1. i thought you were g*y, now stop masquerading as a hetero and just accept what you are. love to cook the squaddies their dinner do you?, you're fooling no one.

  2. well go for girls that enjoy the same things you do like for example i love cars u know imports race cars the kind you see in the streets i like to play video games and i like to explore new things and at the same time i m girly just give it your all ok im sure someone will come along! good luck not all girls are cheaters

  3. no stick with your own age group just have as much fun as they seem to do

  4. could you tell me where you get your hair done as i too would  like to have BOWN hair ha ha.seriously but , good luck finding a woman who doesnt cheat, in this day and age everyone is on the look out for one night stands and affairs, i think it is cos it is glamourised by t.v. good luck

  5. Well, girls are funny craeures.  If you don't give them constant attention then some other guy will..thus they cheat.  Best wishes

  6. Maybe you attract the wrong types of girls try thinking outside the box. Like talk to a girl that you don't think is your type you might come to find that she is your type.

  7. not all girls your age cheat...jus the ones you are messin with.  Maybe you should try again dating someone your age an this time go for someone you would'nt normally go for jus to see how it is.

  8. maybe your tool doesnt measure up.

  9. lol...and the older will jus use;) heck no, try even younger girls...cuz older is jus sick...

  10. Well, maybe the cheating problem is the fact that they just don't like you, or maybe they're just nymphos. You never can tell. I've never been cheated on meself.


    ! GO ENGLAND !

  11. your getting it really tough at the min kid...things can only get better

  12. You're 20 years old?  Have you ever heard of "punctuation"???  Do they teach that in the UK?

  13. i quit dating guys my age b/c they still acted young and dumb, and i cant have that in my life. so i went to older guys and much happier! you do the same. and would im you if i didnt have a man

  14. I don't think it matters whether you are looking for girls who are younger or are older than your age. Importantly, you need to know what you want and who you want to be with. If you are fed up with girls who cheat on you time after time, then I suggest before you jump into dating them, get to know them first and be friends with them. This way, you can see what kind of a person they are, the character they have inside of them. Since you are only 20, you still have time to look for the ones that suit you. I hope this helps.

  15. older ones like to have fun too-maybe you atr just to boring?

  16. heaven help me, you sound exactly like what I want!! but I'm too old for ya. I say get you a girl, not necessarily older or younger, but one who has her head on straight & doesn't want to play games anymore. If she is a little older, then maybe that's a good thing - she'll be settled some & not into the head game routine. You want someone with an idea of where they're going & what they want out of life. Good luck!!

  17. Well you don't need to start dating older girls necessarily but start dating more serious girls. I date older guys just cause I can't take the immaturity of the ones in my area. Yeah and feel free to say hi to me. I don't know how to add you or i would. Have fun with the girl thing.

  18. I quit dating altogether because I'm tired of the cheating. I don't think it changes at any age, it's just the person. i'm 27.

  19. Maybe you should forget about relationships and be a playboy. It pays more, and you don't feel jealous when she cheats.

  20. yes, you will have better luck with older girls they are more mature and are generally more loyal to their guy!

  21. I think older girls are more mature...Girls your age or younger are immature and have no clue about anything. Just don't go to old, lol.

  22. get older girls

  23. definately older women are more sensitive and also much better in bed

  24. No. You will find the right person one day. Just hold on !!!!

  25. Age does not matter. find someone you love and she loves you.

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