
Girls we need your help with something important about your health?!?

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Started by: MEGAN FLEMING AND MORGAN STROUD! © copyright 2008

Okay girls, time to get serious about something we need to change! You always hear to stay away from drugs and alcohol and drinking or bad things on your own computer. Well a lot of people don't talk about the danger of fashion magazines! I bet you didn't know that 70% of girls that have read magazines go into depression or feel bad about their bodies within 1-3 MINUTES of reading! this is really bad girls! we need to put this to an end! i know your thinking that's a freedom of speech to say that but its not its making girls all over the world go on crazy diets and go into depression! there isn't ONE LOOK! and we have a say in this! SIGN YOUR NAME AND STATE IF YOU BELIEVE THIS! we will send it to the president and hope to get a change! we wont know until we try! send to every girl you know. add the next number, your name and your state! thanks

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  1. what about movies and tv shows about skinny anime girls?

  2. You are kidding right? Fashion magazines make girls feel bad because of the media and the clothes. A lot of girls can't afford what is in magazines and that makes them feel bad. Or the media tells all girls that we should look perfect and skinny. The tv is media, radio, magazines, the world is a media-based place. There's not much we can do about it but change our own way of thinking, and banishing fashion magazines wont help us.

  3. HAHAHA im sorry but thats hilarious.  you cant ban pictures of girls from the media.

    if a girl is unhappy with herself after reading a fashion magazine its her own d**n fault for being so shallow.

  4. So what are you putting a stop to? You can't stop something like that. What will the president do? Ban magazines? Wtf are you talking about?

    Yes i think girls looking at a picture of some stupid skinny person and deciding that they want to look like that and becoming self obsessed and anorexic is ridiculous, but i don't think there's much we can do about it really.


  5. First off, no one would consider a digital signature worth a flip.  Second, you wouldn't be sending it to the President, you would be sending it to Congress.  Third, your grammar is atrocious.

    My guess is you're either ignorant of how things work, or you're a scam to get peoples' email addresses and spam the h**l out of them.

    Here's the deal, the issue is not the magazines.  Not at all.  The issue is the girls.  If you want to make a change, good for you, but circulating a fake petition is not the way to do it.  Everyone has the right to read whatever they want, and regardless of how you feel about it, companies have the right to print whatever they want.  Furthermore, it's not just the magazines that you should have a qualm with.  What about TV, movies, and advertisements?  You want to make a difference?  How about talking to the girls.  How about be proactive and supporting them, telling them they're beautiful?

    Are you aware that Dove has a workshop to boost the self-esteem of girls?  That's the kind of thing it takes to help, not posting c**p that people put an e-signature on which ultimately means nothing.

    The problem here is not the magazines, and nothing anyone does will change the magazines from being made and sold.  What are you fishing for exactly?  Have fatter models?  Abolish the fashion magazine?  Or maybe just make it so all magazines have to have the first thiry pages full of dowdy, ugly women in cheap clothes so the readers feel better by comparison?  These aren't real expectations.

    If you really have a problem with magazines, boycott them.  Get other people to boycott them.  That's about the most you can do to the companies.  But if you really want to make a difference, teach people to look at themselves as a beautiful, unique, and strong.  That is now and has always been the way to keep girls from being depressed and feeling bad about their bodies.

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