
Girls wear board shorts?

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Yola, people! I love to swim and surf and whatnot but I do not like bathing suits. Well, the bottom part, anyway. SO I like to wear board shorts. Not like the boy kind but the knee length girl kind. I do not do bikinis or tankinis. I wear a one piece bathing suit then the board shorts over it. I s that extremely weird/ugly?




  1. I wear one piece swimsuits without shorts.

    You can wear board shorts if you want to.  I never do though.  I love showing my legs.

  2. of course not. i do that all the time. the only hard thing is sometimes matching the board shorts with the actual swimsuit since the designs are all over the place these days

  3. i live two hours from myrtle beach and three from carolina beach!

    i think a cut one piece and board shorts, or a bikini top and board shorts are nice. you could def. pull of a one piece and board shorts for streetwear, also.

    i'm a city slicker, so i ended up doing the same thing last time me and my beau went to the beach, but since my hometown's land locked, i had only known basketball shorts! i had a black bathing suit top and shiny three-below the knee black and white shorts with NBA in two inch letters embroidered onto the side, only to be out done by the many girls (and boys!) with oneill and quicksilver and board brand (i've seen a girl with lost shorts and a lost board) and girl specific roxy shorts!

    it's really nice to have something comfortable to wait in after paddling out: i don't think any reasonable girl would paddle out in a two piece.

    think the shorter the top, the longer the shorts!

    oh, and tankini top and board/baller shorts rarely work and look cute- lesson learned

  4. same as your situation, i wore one piece with board shorts over it. and i felt so stupid.

    swimsuit might not be appreciated because of the board shorts on the top.

    that's my realization.

    so, use one at a time.

  5. i think surf girls i board shorts are hott

  6. NO not at all !!!!!! =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]

  7. Sounds ok to me! Wear what you like and are comfortable in! I doubt anyone will care/notice, and if they do, so what?

    I can understand why you prefer to cover up, but let me just say that if I were out surfing and saw a girl surfing in a 1-piece w/o shorts I would think it was pretty hot, actually :) That said, wear what you're most comfortable in.

  8. well it might look better with a bikini, but some one pieces are really cute. you could try a possibly lower cut or the ones with holes on the sides. ( that i if u want to be sexi lol) i don't think it will look weird/ ugly as long as you wear it right.

  9. NO WAY is it ugly.

    i absoultely love board shorts becuase sometimes i think bikinis are to revealing..

    and sometiumes i think that too but its ok.

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