
Girls wearing makeup?

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Ok, most girls wear a least a little makeup right? But it really doesn't show the real them, for example, my sister and i both have about the same acne, but when she puts her make up on, her face looks tanner, smoother, and like no acne. But if guys saw her without makeup would they like her the same? She said that girls are expected to look good, more than guys are. I understand that especially in this society. What do you guys think? Because guys have nothing to use to cover up their blemishes.




  1. Guys can wear cover up too! Girls are expected to look good cause most guys are super shallow and won't even look at a girl who doesn't have at least a tiny bit of makeup on. Too much makeup can do the same thing as no makeup at all

  2. Boys can wear make up too..nothing wrong wit it. there are so many well known brand name  produce things to help men to cover there skin such as Clinique.

    BUT remember when u have acne skin, dont make up , its make your blemishes worse, in case u really need to make u look good such as in party, u just put a little of make up an wash it as soon as possible when u back home

    again, boys make up? NOTHING WRONG  

  3. True, it might be a little deceiving, and first impressions are what we all go on. But, if the boys want to get to know your sister then it would be because of her personality -- not if she has acne or not.

    And if she did really have bad acne, some would show through the make-up and not cover it all up.

  4. i don't get ur question!!!

    but in my being a girl...i like to wear makeup..but nOt over do i wear mascara and eyeliner but that's it...and i only do it b-cuz my eyes r like small i wear make-up to make them lOok bigger...i dOn't do it to fOol guys or anyone..i dO it bcuz it makes me look gOod..i mean..dOn't get me wrOng...i like the way i lOok wit or witout makeup....i feel confident either way....but like that one chik said.....GUYS r SHALLOW!!.....think about it this way..would YOU date a girl that had alOt of  acne and didn't wear makeup to at least kinda hide it????.....OH..and yeah..DUDES can wear makeup too!!...just dOn't wear TOO much!!

  5. some girls just like to wear make-up to feel better about themselves :)

    i (L) it and it hides spots well

    if your that bothered try it yourself lol :)

  6. I'm a girl and the only makeup I wear is chapstick pretty much. I guess I just don't need to wear a lot of makeup. Some times if I have a HUGE pimple I'll put a little coverup on it. But I get what you mean. When my one friend takes her makeup off she looks about 5 years younger. I think that people should see you as you are naturally.
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