
Girls-what age does your mom let you date?

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I asked out a girl and she said no because her mom won't let her date a boy until shes 19 when shes legal.

is this true? I dont believe it!

she said her mom thinks its ok for her to hang out with guys but not to date

we're both 16




  1. My parents let me date at 16. When she turns 18 she will be considered an adult and her mom really doesn't have a say in what she does.

  2. My mom let me start when I was about 14. first serious relationship. When I got in high school she thought I was old enough.

    I had "boyfriends" when I was 12 but it wasn't anything more than talking on the phone and seeing them at school and at my house if they lived close to me.

    I was able to ride with my bf and go places with him and go to his house at 14.

  3. 18, is legal.

    and my dad let me date around 13.

    but i know people who can't date until they move out

  4. it doesnt matter how old u r, u can date anyone. If u r under 18 going out with anyone older than 18 and doing anything( kissing, s*x, etc.) he/she can get aressted. I can date at 16

  5. I had my first bf at 13, My mom trusts me a lot. And i trust myself too. I know if i were to get into a bad situation, i could handle it and do the right thing. But some parents are freaks about their kids dating. I guess it all depends on the kids, or even the parents child/teen experiences.

  6. im 17 and im still not allowed to date even though im goin to college but honestli wat can my mom do it about it?

  7. 4 marrage its true i can date when im 14

  8. my mom started letting me date when i was like..... 11?

    i think its good for teens to date, because they can experience different people and learn what type of people they like and stuff.. so that they are ready when they get older... like in their 20's.

  9. My parents wouldn't let me date until I was 18.


  11. i thought 18 was legal .. where you live?

    my mom always let me date

  12. My parents say no until I am 17.

  13. wen im 14...

  14. my parents won't let me unti'll im 16

  15. im aloud to date at any age. im 14

  16. The official rule at my  house is no dating til you're 16 (I'm 19 now with a 17 yr old sis & 14 yr old bro). We were always allowed to hang out with friends of the opposite s*x but one-on-one dates are reserved for when we can drive ourselves around.

  17. My parents say I can't date till I'm out of college. Of course might not follow that rule..

    I'm thirteen.

  18. my parents said til im 17

    but im currently going out with my first bf

    im 14 right now

    well what they dont know wont hurt them

  19. I started dating at at 15 but could have boyfriends before that, only we couldn't go on dates alone. We would have to be with friends or something.

  20. She should be aloud, unless her mom is a stick in the mudd ( no offence to her!! ) Get her to talk to her mom about it, meanwhile, you act all responsible and all that! It'll help =)

    Best Wishes to you!

  21. My parent's don't mind because they trust me and I'm 13. They know I won't get too ahead of my age. I don't have a boyfriend right now, but I have before.

  22. My mom (the only parent I live with) is not going to be happy if she finds out I have a date, unless, I am 15, when I go into highschool. But so far 2 people have asked me out, both were jokes. But both people were unattractive, and I didn't know them that well. So 15 for me.

  23. i have no limit, but i'm fairly sure that it would give my dad a heartattack, and my dad is more highstrung about this, more than my mom ever was. i'd say 15. i think her mom doesn't want her to date incase she gets pregnant or anything. she has two options, not dating, or behind her back.

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