
Girls - what am i doing wrong?

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I'm in 10th grade and I have yet to have a girlfriend, in fact I'm lucky if I can even become friends with one, and even then I've only stayed friends with one girl for more than a year.

I'm really nice, I actually listen to what you have to say, I love spending time with you, from taking a walk to going to a movie, I never interrupt them or put them down, and overall I'm just a friendly guy (I hate it when people are mad at me).

What is it? Is it because I'm not on the football team? Because I'm not buff? Because why even bother with me when theres so much better guys out there?




  1. You sound like me in the 10th grade. h**l kid, it doesn't get any easier. I'm still the nice guy at heart but you eventually become callused to everyone and everything around you. Trust me on this. I wish I could tell you girls like it when you are nice to them and talk to them and be there when they need a friend because their jerk boyfriend called them stupid. But the fact is, a nice guy is as good as a pillowcase. Girls can talk to us, and know we won't say anything and be there the next time they need us. It sucks. I'm at the point now where I quit caring. I used to care if people liked me, now I don't. I don't trust anyone right away and I don't care one way from sideways how many times girls tell me their boyfriend is a jerk. The thing about girls is, they care about outward expression. They know the nerd/geek/dork/big guy is the one guy that will truly care about them and be there for them instead of a flake like a frat guy, but they want to be seen with the hot people at the party and  be the "in crowd". It's not until they graduate college or are second year of grad school that they realize they want someone to care for them and they don't need to be popular anymore but they need security. I wish it got easier but it doesn't. You have my sympathy and understanding. Message to the girls out there:Stop taking the nice guys for granted. One day we will walk away from you when you keep telling us how nice we are and then running back to your jerk boyfriend.

  2. dont worry about it mate, be confident and be yourself....and soon they will come to you.

    your not doing anything wrong but just dont be hated by anyone!

  3. You're not doing anything wrong. You just have to tell her the sweet things a girl ever wants to listen to.

    Yea, its not all about those type of guys [jocks], in fact, I dislike them.

    Just be confident dude.

  4. You have to be more open yourself up to girls..get to know them at the same time let them get to nkow you. This is nothing I know a kid who didnt have a girlfriend til he was almost done with college. Its okay, just be yourself and have CONFIDENT, tell yourself your cute, tell your self your not shy, thats all it matters i think. Hope this helps.

  5. to be honest, you sound TOO nice. Like, it seems like you are trying very hard to be what they want, but girls want a guy with some personality who will flirt with them, disagree with them sometimes, challenge them. If you always just give them what they want to start out they will never appreciate you. You have to give them something to look forward to. Start being yourself and showing off your personality. You will have a date in no time!

  6. Some women are blind as h**l. Not really blind but you know, EWWWW youre ugly you suck! kinda blind.

    Green Day said it best my man - Nice Guys Finish last. Stay Strong, be the one she turns to when the "hot" guys break her heart. You'll see :)

  7. Wow.You sure sound like a really great person.Maybe is about the i hate it when people are mad at me.

    Instead of hating it,why not salvage the situation?

    Think about it.

    Hope this helps :)

  8. could be ur nerdy.....i was attracted to a nerdy/intelligent guy yet his awkward flirting turned me off

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