
Girls...what do you think? I will give 10 points! ?

by  |  earlier

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I was trying to ge my biology group together so we can study together. We started class last Monday, so we've only known each other for a week. I got everyone in the groups phone numbers.

I texted this girl in my group saying: "We are meeting tuesday to study."

She replied: "well then i can only meet for about an hour cause i was going to see my sister at 1 but i might not have a car so actually i dont know where i will be"

I replied "Haha. We are meeting from 12-1, so that is plenty of time. Do you need me to drop you off somewhere? I have a car."

She replied: "haha that would be nice but i will find out and let you know. where are yall meeting at?"

I replied: "the library."

She replied: "hmm im not sure if i know where that is."

(she is a freshman, so she actually might not know where the library is.)

My question is....does she like me? She said "haha" at the beginning of almost all of her texts. Does she want me to give her a ride, or does she not want me to?




  1. i think she is shy or doesnt like people very much and likes her time alone. she doesnt nessacarily hate you. she just isnt a people person. give her some time. she just doesnt want to hang out. or maybe she is busy with something and doesnt know you well enough to tell you what she is actually doing..?

  2. Ok i would not read to much into it cause you never know with texts. It can mean alot of things. Its best to wait and she how she act with you in person to tell if she like you are not. Then that way you will know what her words mean when she text you.  

  3. that does not mean she likes you.

    it's just a car ride..

  4. from that conversation i don't think you can tell if she likes you, but ya she probally doesn't know where the library is and she said she would tell u if she needs a ride i don't think shes lying about that.

  5. IDK... she might because I say haha when Im talking to someone I like it is normally because I get nervous about what to say to them

  6. i dont think she likes you yet. just give it some time

  7. This girl has come to know that u ike her and she likes u too. But it doesnt mean that she loves u..HAHAHA is fine ..U have to go out with her once to know more about her..

  8. You should ride her....err...I mean give her a ride to the library.

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