
Girls what does this mean??? help please????

by Guest32439  |  earlier

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Ok. i have not had my second period. its been months since my first . i also had a small brown spot on my undies the other day. but no period? am i getting it soon?




  1. yeah that's normal when you first get it

  2. Expect your periods to be abnormal for a while. As you mature, they'll get more and more regular. This is normal. And everyone matures at a different rate. What you did recently is called "spotting." Sometimes that happens between periods, or right before you start, and sometimes even when you're pregnant.  

  3. Yes. Most likely. Thats what happens too me. And if you just started youre period there's a good chance it will be irregular for the next couple years.

  4. I have the same question, I haven't had my period in 6 months and if anyone can answer this question I would be thankful too.

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