
Girls who like cars and car modeling

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Two questions really:

Do guys REALLY find it attractive when girls are in to cars??

Also, my boyfriend keeps bugging me to become a car model, of course I'm flattered and I'd happily pose on his car.

But when I ask him why he keeps asking me to do it at Car Shows and stuff he just keeps saying 'Cause it'll be fun'

I don't believe that since he knows it wouldn't be for me...

Could anyone shed some light on this?

Why does he really want me to model on cars?





  1. Well I'm a guy and I personally don't really care about cars but maybe he wants to show you off with his car to everybody. Sorry if this may be bad advice for you but that's what I think.

  2. Some guys like "showing off" their female because if other males admire her, it gives him a sense that he has done well in acquiring an attractive mate.

    He's not really thinking about how fun or not fun it will be for you, but rather the potential satisfaction he will derive by displaying you to other males.

    Sorry if that comes off a little clinical, but sometimes honest answers are like that. : /

  3. guys are like that..

    they love to show off their prized possessions..

    uh their so disgusting:)  

  4. First off, a car guy will be attracted to a woman who knows cars, sometimes they may know more, but it shows that they've paid attention and that they know more than how to turn it on.  

    As for the boyfriend thing, just say no, pics with him and his car are cool, but if you really like cars, then you wanna go to a show like the rest of us to see the cars that are all about.  Reasons he'd have you on the hood of his car; to get more attention to his car, so he can win of course, and bragging rights..he's trying to use you like a tool, thus making him a tool...time to find a new man eh?

  5. maybe he just wants to show you off

  6. Not being into cars, I don't care about it one way or the other, TBH.

    He wants to show you off, and maybe objectify you.  Women in photos, magazine, etc are easier to deal with because you don't have to worry about what they want, you can just gratify yourself.

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