
Girls:If you had to choose 1 thing.....?

by  |  earlier

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about a guy you find most attractive what would it be?




  1. i have a thing for hands. i dont know what it is. they have to have nice strong hands. good short fingernails. i like the little bulgy veins on top. i dunno. guys who play bass or guitar tend to have good hands

  2. If they were making me laugh. That's all it takes.

  3. Personally i love guys who have nice smiles. some people suit goofy sort of smiles where as some suit more cheeky grins. One thing i do know is that if i see a guy walking and he's sad mopey and looks depressed i get turned off him a bit.

    More physically though is arms and torso for me. Muscly, but not gigantic or too flabby, and def not anorexic like either. I like arms that make you feel secure when you hug him and stuff.

    Personality wise is when a guy knows when to laugh with you and joke around and be sarcastic or whatever and when he knows that he should be listening to you moan or being nice to you because your sad. It definitely gets us to distinguish nice genuine guys from those just wanting arm candy!

  4. Personalty.. & eyes =]]

  5. intelligence

  6. personality his ability to make me laugh

  7. confidence/self assuredness

  8. Looks: Long, thick, s**y, curly hair


  9. physical- smile, it makes my heart melt

    personality- humour, i love it if he can make me laugh

  10. i cant pick just one! but it would have to be hair first then eyes oh and then the body..

  11. **** you, sexist, I'll answer if I want. I'll just pretend I'm a woman.

    Hmmm... what would a woman say?

    Oh OK...  "The way he'd slap me if I ever did anything wrong."

  12. humor

  13. physical: smile

    non physical: makes me laugh :)

  14. eyes definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they're the window to a person's soul :)

  15. personality allot of men I date are shallow and way to sensitive they take things to heart and I can't stand it if you can't talk about how you feel or serious thing then there is no a personality

  16. if i had to choose?


  17. Physically: Great hair, smile, and he has to smell good.

    Eyes are definitely a deal breaker too.

    Oh, and I like guys with nice lips, and I have to like his nose.

    Personality: Genuine, nice, smart, and funny.

  18. eyes are something i deff notice first.!

    then the hair is important. always has to be clean

    ii lyk them to have muscles :]

    they have to be nice & be able to make me laugh. but sensitive at the same time.

  19. For me, their smile, but eyes comes in at a close second.  

  20. A mans huge... HEART.  Sure to even notice a guy in the first place you have to be attracted to him. So with that said I look at their style, the way they dress. I know its weird. After I talk to them I know if he is dating material because of his manners and kind heart.

  21. smell good. i love a man who smells good.

  22. legs,HAIR,smile,eyes (they have to have gorgeous eyes!!) personality: sweet,romantic,caring,loving,and funny

    hope it helps :)

  23. His personality. He has to be a nice guy, who's considerate and sweet and of course, makes me laugh. So personality, for sure.

    But looks still do count for something, always.

  24. first the eyes because in my opinion, your eyes are the doors to the heart


  25. Personality (a.k.a. a great one!)

    I'm not joking about this, either: personality includes humor, attitude towards life, caringness, etc....

    Hope that helps!

  26. their personality

  27. upper body muscles  

  28. Personality and sense of humor! and hair and eyes and smile!

  29. they either their hands/nail have to be clean or their smell.


    answer mine???;...

  30. HMMMMM

    this iz hard!!

    so may s**y things i like on a bloke



    the body

    then the face

    and then cute noses

    io know weird

    but i like cute noses for some wierd reasson



  31. Most girls aren't as picky about looks as guys are, so it's usually not the overall package but one particular quality about the guy that attracts us. For example, his eyes, his voice, his smile.

    But for me a guy with a s**y voice and a nice smile will totally have me in love with him. And a motorcycle. He's gotta have a motorcycle.

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