
Girls:What would make her say this?

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I've been seeing my girl for about four months now and things are going good but today for no apparent reason she told me if I really don't want to be with her I need to let her know. Why would she say this? I don't understand why because we have never fought before and we always have a good time when we are together it just doesn't add up. Plz help me out thanks.




  1. the only thing i could think of that would make her say something like that would be if you always flirt with other girls, or if you act like u dont care if yall r going out or not.that might not help, but thats all i could think of.

  2. Well, I can really only tell you a personal story and try to explain it...

    There was this guy who I liked.  Perhaps we could have dated, but it didn't work out that way.  So summer comes and I no longer like him, but still want to be friends.  During the school year, we were pretty good friends, and he wanted to stay in touch [him at college, me in Germany].

    But come summer, I would call him maybe once a month.  Both phone calls ending with him saying "Hold on a minute" and 5 minutes later "Hey, can I call you back in like 5 minutes?  Okay, talk to you then!" but never call.

    And I would say "Hey, let's hang out sometime" and he would always say "Sure!".  But then it would never happen.  I would try to plan things, but something *always* came up.  And the one time, we had actually planned something, but then he didn't call so we didn't do it.  The next day he texted me an apology.  To me, that is unacceptable...he should have texted or at least called the day and say it wasn't going to happen.  I'm not the most confident person, well, I actually have some insecurities when it comes to friends.  So I was pretty angry at this point, and said "Hey, if you don't want to hang out, or be friends, or whatever, just tell me.  Heck, if you think I am this ugly weird jerk, you can tell me!" in a text.  It made him apologize again about things not working out.  From this point on, I just gave up on the kid.  However, somedays he is sincere, and others I just don't think he is that great of a friend.

    I suppose the point I'm trying to make, is that what seems okay and polite to you may not be to her.  She may feel insecure; even if it seems like she has no reason to be.  Thing is, every person is different, and every person gets upset for different reasons.

    Your best solution is to just show her what she means to you.  Tell her how you feel, and that you don't understand why she feels that way.  This should be a sensitive, "I'm not afraid to come out of my shell" talks, so be ready to listen as well as speak.  Talking to her is the best solution I can give you.  She will probably be willing to talk about it, as long as you are calm and willing to listen and respond with understanding.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!  Sorry for the long story....

  3. Maybe just common insecurity.

  4. Maybe she just wants to know that you're there for her.  Try doing something spontaneous, like showing up at her house with flowers and chocolates or giving her jewelry.  It's nice once in a while for a guy to just do something to show us how much he cares :)

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