
(Girls!)Which shirt should I wear on the first day of school?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not so worried about the shorts because I have bottoms picked out for every shirt but which shirt should I wear? (not the best pictures I've taken)

shirt #1 :

shirt #2 (i would wear an extra with that. so pick an extra for this one. no skinny straps in school :

shirt #3:

shirt #4:




  1. 2

  2. i like #7. i also like #2 but i dont like the "extras"

  3. 6 and #7 are the best!!!

    (answer mine plz!)

  4. number 1 is nice

    no need 4 an extra =)

  5. I think the balck vest from no. 1 and the shirt from no. 2 that or no. 1. You should have posted a pic of the shirts to help.

  6. I would wear the first one(: . I love the shirt and the vest. they're so cute. Umm i think you should wear a skinny jeans and a nice converse or vans even though you already have a short picked out. It's just a suggestion. ^^

  7. The first one is superr rad :D

  8. i like shirt 3

    shirt 7 is ok

    i like shirt 8

    dont wear any of the extras on the first day

    hope i helped

  9. i say the first one.It puts off a good first impression and is very stand-outish...

    The other ones are nice too but i just think the first one would be perfect for the first day! I love the shirt underneath the vest too

    If you don't have shorts to match the first, you could also go with skinny jeans or something. That'd be cute.

  10. Number 1! The rest look like c**p! They look like something an old granny would wear! OR A Kindergardner whose mom dressed them! *No offance*

  11. i think you should wear shirt #3 cuz it wont look like your trying to hard to impress ppl but ull still look good =)

  12. The first one! It has a vibe to me that says "dont mess with me"

  13. 2 or 6 with some nice jewelery and dark jeans

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