
Girlz I need help?? I need help with a crush??

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There's this shy girl I like. She fnds excuses to talk to me. Fidgeting around me , nervous around me, she gave me a nickname and, but she stares at me alot. I told her I liked her 4 months ago, and she smiled when I told her. She would smile when I would approach her and she told me she wanted to start out as friends, and get to know me, and she would like to hang out with me She asked me to dance with her at a dance at school. also, I found out she tells her family about me.During summer school she was asking one of my friends if I still liked her. I didn't go to summer school, so I told my friend to tell her that I said hi, and then she had a pretty big smile on her face. My friend gave her my #, and she called me 1 month ago.

It's been a few days of school, and she gives me rare stares. I only see her at lunch and when she catches me staring at her she holds the stare until I break it. Also, the other day after school she turned her head in my direction to stare at me.

what should I go talk to her about, and does she still like me??

p.s. She has this habit of only starring at me when I'm in front of her, that's when we lock eyes on each other.




  1. just try asking her out...  wat could be the worst?  just go for it.

  2. She still likes you.  You should talk to her about anything.  Ask her to do something with you sometime.  Maybe have lunch with her.  Quit beating about the bush and staring at each other.

    She is need to make the first move and get to know her.

  3. i would say, try 2 ask her out 2 a movie, start out with a group date, and get 2 no her, also try 2 sit next 2 her at school, and let her get 2 no u  

  4. Just tell her you like her! She obviously likes you. :)

  5. go for her! she must be interested, or else she wouldnt bother giving you her percious time!

  6. Yes! She likes you duh go talk to her

  7. omg your so cute i wish there was more guys like you.I think you should just talk to her, ask her out.

    if she doesn't want to be bf/gf then  at least it wouldn't be that bad cuz you don't see her all the time


  8. She probably likes you, but just talk to her. Start with hi and let it go from there. Hope this has helped.

  9. try 2 talk 2 her or her friends

  10. i think she still likes you :]

    go talk to her when shes pretty much alone or not with a bunch of her friends

    or maybe write her a note that would be cute.

    or maybe call her?

    just talk about whatevers on your mind

  11. Let it be knowen !

  12. Yes, she likes you.

  13. It really sounds like she still likes you. Start with hello. Is there anything you guys have in common, or any classes she's taking that you are not? Girls like it when you seem interested in the things they do. Ask her out on a date once the conversation gets going. Maybe just something casual to start with like getting pizza after school or something.

  14. seems like a freak to me. lol

    i guess she does like you as long as you have the guts to ask her out she will say yes

  15. I still thinks she likes you. I think you should talk to her..maybe like sit by her and her freinds at lunch. Get to know her and she will feel more comftorble with the you. Then eventually when u think it is the right time ask her out and i am sure she would say yes. Some times girls dont go out with boys cause of wat there freinds think of the boy.  But if you get to know her freinds to and get them to like you she will say yes.  I hope this helps.


  16. Yeah you should definently go up to her and talk to her and ask her to hangout with you. Go to lunch with her or dinner =]

  17. well do you still like her? if you do you should go and ask her to dinner or something and just follow your heart. i think she loves you not like you she loves you. if you don't do anything to get with her you can lose her and you will regretted.    

  18. Yea i think she still likes you. Conversation wise, just go up and talk about anything. What classes you are taking, or how her summer was. Be creative. If you want to date her you have to talk to her first.

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