
Girlz and women... I have a question..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I'm really worried about my height. I'm 13, and 148 cm or 4'10 (i grew over the summer so i guess i grew a bit taller). Anyways, my mom is 174 cm and my dad is 176 cm. Anyways, I had my period and all that, and some of my friends are even taller then me. Anyways, I have a healthy diet and exercise regularly (i take an hour walk a day, do yoga, go biking). My yoga teacher thing that i'll grow as tall as my mom or about 4 cm shorter and my piano teacher said that her son when to the doctor and said that he would be 180 cm, but he turned out 187. I went to the doctor earlier in the summer, i did an x-ray, and he said i have a bit of growth left. I dont believe him, cuz like he m9ight just be lying and doctors don't know the future. Everyone thinks I'll grow to be my mother's height or 4 cm shorter. Is that true? Can you tell me some ways to grow taller?

o, and btw im about 85 pounds i think





  1. It can also depend on your grandparents!?Dont worry you will grow.  I am 12 and 5 foor 6 lol nothing exciting bout being tall

  2. Well, the doctor wouldn't lie to you, but you're right, he doesn't know the future.  However, an x-ray can show the size of your bones and that's a good indicator of whether or not you'll still grow, so I'd say he's correct.

    How old are you?  Women don't really stop growing until their early 20s, believe it or not.  So you probably have a ways to go before you can say you're done growing.

  3. sorry you cant make yourself grow :(

  4. You can't really force your body to grow taller. Your height depends on things like your genes and overall lifestyle, so small tweaks probably won't make much of a difference. Plus, since you're 13, you're still going to grow more. One of my sister's is 15 and she's still getting taller. A friend of mine is 13 as well, and she's 4'9". You're perfectly healthy and you're probably going to grow more, so don't worry about it

    Edit: Oh, and one more thing. I forgot about the doctor part. You're doctor probably isn't going to lie to you, because that's not good for getting clients. XD Don't worry about it. You're definately going to grow more. People don't stop growing until way older than 13.

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